Hi! I’m shooting a family portrait for some folks I babysit for this weekend. Two adults, a 5 year old, and an infant. I have a Canon rebel SL3. I was planning on shooting handheld in aperture priority with my 55-200 mm lens, but was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for what might produce better quality photos. Any recommendations for different settings? Tripod?

Thanks in advance!

1 point

Prep a mood board. Spend some time on Google or Behance.
Have a plan how to pose them as a group. Chairs, couch, fireplace. Anything you can work with and have some idea on where the lights will be.
Preparation is third of the battle, you still have to shoot and edit. :)

1 point

Equipment-wise, in addition to the lighting aspect, I’d consider renting (or purchasing) a 35mm f/1.x lens for it’s ability to create bokeh (depth of field), its ability to capture multiple subjects, and its propensity to avoid image distortion.




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