I have really mixed feelings about this film because it’s a robot emancipation film that feels like it was written by a leftist but at the same time it has some really serious issues as a film that holds it back from being an outright good movie

The Good

  • This is like, one of the only modern+mainstream man vs machine narratives I can think of that is explicitly sympathetic to oppressed humans hand in hand with the sympathy towards robots. In this film, the robots are in solidarity with the humans they are living together with (robots protect human civilians and vice versa, humans attend robot funerals, they’re seen cohabitating together, etc) and they fight together against the NATO coded invasion forces.

  • In fact, there’s even a scene at the beginning that, although brief, shows that working class western citizens are very sympathetic to the robots, and have to be conditioned and propagandized into dehumanizing them.

  • It’s a very pretty film. The sets and sci fi designs look really good and the robots have some cool designs among them, humanoid and less humanoid. …Wait it only had an $80 million budget? God damn

  • In addition to the more overt anti-imperialist themes of the film I feel like there’s a lot of room for a Marxist interpretation of the film, that the robots could represent leftist groups in Southeast Asia, with the fear of use of nuclear weapons being one of the main propaganda pieces used by the West against them, the West’s fear of the robots disrupting capitalist markets, the fact that the main goal of the film is to destroy a physical representation of Western military power and how that representation allows the West to invade and bomb countries with impunity, and so on.

The Bad

  • The first half is a fucking mess, both pacing and writing-wise. There’s a lot of narrative choices that are inconsistent with the second half of the film to the point that it’s a detriment to the story. In a film with a focus on robot sapience and compassion, we get a Star Wars-esq scene where a grenade thrown by a robot soldier is rolled back into a crowd of robots, and the following shot of their maimed bodies flailing around is instead played for laughs. The discrepancy in the two halves is VERY noticeable, it feels like some sort of editing fuckery happened.

  • It somehow manages to fumble 3/4 emotional beats that happen in the film. This is arguably the big issue here. Like it is genuinely impressive how consistently it missed the mark when attempting to pull off scenes that should have had emotional impacts. Like, my guys, you are writing a narrative about a grizzled reluctant father and an odd troubled daughter figure. This shit should be color by the numbers by now. I don’t even think its the main actor’s fault here because the scenes that do work, work fine. Like, the turning point when the lead starts seeing the robot child as a person? Skimmed over, no impact. Choosing to side against the West? Skimmed over, no impact. A sort of reunion with his dead wife? They bungled that scene so badly.

  • The worldbuilding can kind of get wishy-washy. I feel like the story suffers for not having a human voice on the side of the New Asia coalition. It didn’t even necessarily have to be a big role either, just a named human character to be all ‘hey I’m from Bhutan and robots are people too and we want to build a new future together’. There is technically a character who fills that role but it’s the fridged dead wife character so her voice only exists in retrospect and in the lead’s memories in relation to himself. Without that presence existing in the story, what the (human) people of the New Asia coalition feel about anything goes kind of unspoken when it should have been a bigger aspect of the story.

Anyways it’s not a good good film but it’s a fun enough watch and you can watch it here lol

Just finished watching it. Thought it was pretty good for slop. Certainly a lot of things that could be improved upon, but I could see it not being bad for a lib’s introduction into a world where the US is seen as the bad guys. Just looked at IMDb and apparently the director also did Rogue One which gives me the impression the leftist elements probably aren’t so accidental. Might also be a good angle for getting people to watch. Honestly, I could imagine anyone that likes the Avatar franchise would probably vibe with it.


Thanks so much for writing all this up!

I know it’s not your intention but I’m going to pass on the movie. I normally don’t really watch movies anymore that are being released currently (smug cinephile alert) but this one seemed interesting enough to check out and now this helped change my mind. It just feels like the writing would disappoint me, unfortunately.


That’s fair! I’m the opposite in the sense that I will hop to watch any sci fi flavored slop that comes out since I love looking at CGI. I had also been wanting to see this movie since I saw a trailer for it.

Honestly I think if I saw this in theaters the CGI is the only thing I would have walked away satisfied with so I don’t blame you for passing it over.


Yeah, I feel that. We all have our things. I also have movies I watch for fun but mostly like action or comedy movies from the 90’s-00’s or classic kung fu movies or something like that. And guilty pleasures.

I could like some CGI stuff but I also feel like some of the cinematographic style used lately in scifi by people like Villeneuve just feels really alienating and depressing to me. His movies at least lack good dialogue and an existential element, which is most important to me because it helps me connect. Otherwise, I probably don’t enjoy it. And I just straight avoid the superhero movies. I don’t always get to watch something so when I do I prefer to just stick to my tried and true method of snobby old films. Haha


Yeah, it was such an odd film. I really wanted to like it because it looked good and it explicitly called out the West as the unmistakable bad guys, but there was just so much that needed to be completely rewritten to work.

I’ll add to your list of bad,

about the main character

Pretty much the entire plot is set into motion thanks to the protagonist being a traitor to the robots, his partner (who is having his baby!), and the village that sheltered him. And he’s still a piece of shit for pretty much the entire movie, until the very end.

I was also very bothered by how the primary motive for the protagonist was getting back Maya: the woman he lied to, betrayed, and directly caused the death of. Yet, it very much seemed to be written in a way that was intended for the audience to sympathize with???

Oh yeah, after all that, for his self-sacrifice at the very end, he gets a robot copy of Maya as his “reward.” Ugh.


Big agree with all of that


Yeah, the fact that the main character’s turning point against the West is seemingly almost entirely centered around his daughter and not compassion for the people around him that are suffering is a pretty big strike against him. The audience is constantly shown shots of just the average (human and robot) person trying to live their lives with the people they care about–hell I was in full ‘unlimited genocide on the first world’ mode by the vault break scene at the very beginning–but it seemingly doesn’t have an impact on the main character.

And yeah that last scene in NOMAD was so, so bad. In the lead up I was first thinking that his wife’s virtual echo would rescue the both of them through the power of love persevering or whatever. Nope! Then I thought, well okay, maybe they’ll be finally able to exchange some words and he can maybe feel absolved in apologizing to her. Nope! It’s just a wordless kiss. Alrighty lol




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