If you want Lemmy to succeed, stop lurking and contribute with some content:
- Take inspiration from your saved Reddit posts
- Share a photo you took with your phone
- /c/microthoughts and /c/showerthoughts for random thoughts and observations
- Share interesting quotes, links, articles, videos, etc. that you saved (E.g: Youtube liked videos)
What else do you suggest?
Your right right I was on reddit for eight years, and never commented once. This seems like a good reason to start.
What subs would we post photos on?
Looks like there’s Photography@lemmy.ml, Photography@lemmy.world, TravelPhotography@lemmy.world, and Photos@lemmy.world.
This probably isn’t exhaustive, but it’s a start!
Participate in discussions if you don’t feel yet like posting new stuff, even small comments help building up a community.
If you can donate some money to the lemmy developers and your instance.
Upvote/downvote posts
Consider becoming a moderator (if you have time)
This is absolutely correct! I’ve tried making a couple communities already, I’d suggest others do that too. Niche communities might not be too popular right now, but I think it’s a good idea to make them anyway, so when people come browsing here and see their favourite niche topic has a community already, they might make an account and post in it.