Photo @ChrisStephensMD Power to the writers and the actors. Support the workers if you can:

2 points

I wish I could say I can fight them with my wallet but I haven’t paid for a service or movie except the very rare and occasional trip to the movies, in over 10 years. They still make tons of money despite putting out bad products. We get maybe 1 or 2, maybe 3 good movies or shows a year if that. The rest is crap. Lets be honest. Hollywood has been barfing up old ideas and re-making them more than coming up with new stuff for a long time now. People still pay the prices and go to the movies. Our standards have fallen very low but we are all willing to pay even more for it.

How many people went to see Barbie or Oppenheimer this week? All those people just spit in the face of everyone on strike.

And the actors who get paid way more than they deserve or need to. They demand it. They ensure the movie is going to cost millions of dollars, right off the bat. Before even thinking about the budget for the rest of the film.

And then you throw AI and the real legitimate concerns on how the industry is changing because of it. But then again, who’s industry isn’t changing because of it. I think many of us are learning that we all are going to have to adapt and use the new technology to survive or get left behind. Especially in the entertainment industry.

I am not complaining that they are striking or that they don’t deserve to get paid what the need or that their concerns are not legitimate. I support them 100%. But there are a lot of moving parts, public opinion etc.

With the quality of the entertainment produced in recent years being so bad, many people have lost sympathy. Most people are don’t care if AI creates some stupid show they watch, as long as it produces something better than what Hollywood has been putting out. What people have been complaining about for years and ignored.

Executives don’t care. They just see dollar signs. They have always taken what was there and tried to squeeze as much money out of as they could. They aren’t in it for the art. If they can get away with screwing people over, they are going to do it. They have ALWAYS done it.

3 points

People are acting like AI generated content is something new, but it’s been going on for years.

2 points

Fuck them.

11 points

Fucking assholes. Time to buy some E-Z Ups and line the sidewalk with them

8 points

Toilet paper those mfers.


Work Reform


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A place to discuss positive changes that can make work more equitable, and to vent about current practices. We are NOT against work; we just want the fruits of our labor to be recognized better.

Our Philosophies:

  • All workers must be paid a living wage for their labor.
  • Income inequality is the main cause of lower living standards.
  • Workers must join together and fight back for what is rightfully theirs.
  • We must not be divided and conquered. Workers gain the most when they focus on unifying issues.

Our Goals

  • Higher wages for underpaid workers.
  • Better worker representation, including but not limited to unions.
  • Better and fewer working hours.
  • Stimulating a massive wave of worker organizing in the United States and beyond.
  • Organizing and supporting political causes and campaigns that put workers first.

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