The one person I really want to be around won’t talk to me anymore. Everyone tells me to make other friends and I have. Everyone else is annoying. The two closest friends I have now are either annoying or uninteresting and I feel bad because they both fucking love me.
Nobody takes me seriously when I say how much I miss my friend. I wish things were different.
I had a close friend ghost me without warning a couple years ago ago and one one hand it still sort of hurts, but on the other hand fuck them, the goddamn coward
One of my best friends through childhood ghosted me and our entire friend group out of nowhere a few years ago. I tried everything to get a response and it’s been impossible. I even told him I was trans to try and get him to respond (I haven’t told anyone from my old life really) and it’s still crickets. Goddamn it makes me so sad
Getting ghosted by old friends broke me so hard. I feel for you, comrade.
Dunno if it applies to you. But the five times in my life that this happened to me, it caused me unending grief. But in hindsight, those people kinda suck a bit. I think that younger ButtBidet just idealised and obsessed over them, and made them into more than they really were.
Wow this is brutal but kinda relatable. Why do I even like person if getting person to talk to me is like pulling teeth? Fuck person, honestly. I went off and kind of stopped being friends about it. I fucking hate people so much.