Can you elaborate on “doesn’t work”? What isn’t it doing exactly?
Also, if you’re talking about the smell: Are you showering before putting on deodorant? If not, that would be highly recommended.
Sometimes letting the deo or antiperspirant to dry before putting your shirt on helps.
Like others mentioned, telling apart deodorants and antitranspirants is important. I used antitranspirants for a long time an had often to deal with pain in my armpits and hard stains in the armpit region of my shirts. One day it dawned on me that this might be because of the antitranspirants, so I planned to make a switch to deodorants. What followed were two to three weeks of heavy sweating and way more body smell than I was used to. BUT after this time everything got way better. I had zero ruined shirts since that, because the antitranspirant remains smelled strongly like sweat and could not be washed out. What was even way better, no more pain under my arms, my sweating is reduced and I smell better in general.
Just kind of my opinion man.
What worked for me was benzoyl peroxide. Get it in a cleaning wash and use it everyday for a week. I now just hit the pits with it once a week. This is all in the shower btw, it has to be washed off but I do let it sit for a couple of mins.
this is also not really a normal thing to do, but I tried trimming my armpit hair and had a huge reduction in sweat marks and BO immediately
Another tip is to wipe down your armpits with anti bacterial wet wipes once every few weeks. It kills the bacteria on your skin and resets the biome. You’ll notice you won’t stink for a couple of days afterwards even without using deodorant. And once it comes back, it isn’t as bad or it smells a different way that your deodorant will be more effective.