Hi all, I see lots of subscribers in this community. What stage of FIRE are you guys in? curious about the demographic in here.

  • Neither FI nor RE
  • FI but not RE
  • FIRE’d
  • ?

I am in the first category, working towards FI for seven years now and recently reached 100K NW. Unfortunately I live in very HCOL area so I still have long ways to go 🥲

2 points

Early twenties, no savings yet. But at least I’m planning ahead.

7 points

I’m deep in the boring middle of neither FI nor RE. I’m currently ~halfway to my current goal number, and can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel.

7 points

Neither FI or RE.

But solidly in the boring middle, but over halfway. My principal is now large enough, and my runway until retirement short enough, that my contributions have less and less of an impact compared to my compounding interest…well, my theoretical compounding interest if the stock market improves.

Which is fortunate because I got laid off in March. I was worried about what impact this would have on my retirement date…and it won’t. I could stop saving now and still retire when I want to, with a slightly tighter budget. Or work a few more months and retire with the same large budget.

So that’s where I’m at.

4 points

The Boeing middle, but over halfway. My principal is now large enough, and my runway until retirement shirt enough, that my contributions have less and less of an impact compared to my compounding interest…well, my theoretical compounding interest if the stock market improves.

Which is fortunate because I got laid off in March. I was worried about what impact this would have on my retirement date…and it won’t. I could stop saving now and still retire when I want to, with a slightly tighter budget.

So that’s where I’m at.

5 points

I am neither FI nor RE - with about 3 years of expenses saved up at the moment.

Despite not having enough to be FI, I really like having such a decent chunk of savings available in case things go wrong, and it’s nice to fantasise about quitting my job and having a few years off when things get tough at work!

My calculations currently say retirement is 17 years away, however, my lifestyle is inflating in front of my eyes, so it could well be much longer :)
