I was doing incline smith press and seem to have hurt my front delt in the middle of set, It wasn’t sharp or sudden but I just kinda noticed it, and i made a chump move and decided to finish the set, instead of racking it immediately, i skipped overhead press and lateral raises, I did some cable flies which didn’t seem to have any affect

Now the pain isn’t sharp, I have full range of motion, and the pain is only there when I place some weight on shoulders, so ig it isn’t really serious but should I still continue my upper body workouts and skip presses? Or should I take a week off and only do lower body?

12 points

Take the time to rest that group of muscles. Focus on lower body or other exercises that don’t cause you pain or discomfort. The easiest way to have a chronic issue is by not letting it heal. You can always do light weight or body weight only once it starts to feel better to check on progress.

Its better to take a week off than do long term damage. I can’t say what the issue is vecause I am not a Doctor and I’m not there in person, so take it with a grain of salt. You know your body and should make the call thats right for you.

8 points

It’s always a good idea to err on the side of caution with an injury. Better to take a week or two off and be able to jump back into things where you left off than to end up with a chronic issue because you keep exacerbating the injury.

Front delt isn’t the worst spot, but your shoulders are involved as a minor muscle group for most upper body. If you are determined to try to do your normal sets, make sure to keep the weights light and really pay attention to what your body is telling you. If it hurts any more than a minor ache/soreness, you should stop.

2 points

Thanks a lot, I actually came back from my leg day and my shoulder is feeling a lot better, i am starting to think it was a minor stretch or something

4 points

That’s good to hear! It kind of sounded like you tweaked something or at worst have a minor tear so you should heal quick. Still, take it slow next time to feel things out. Always better safe than sorry, good luck!

2 points

Hi, sorry for necroing. I injured myself doing incline smith press too, a back muscle for me but I can’t imagine it’s too different. How long did it take for you to recover/resume full weight? I have a lengthy international trip soon and I usually change my workout to one set at max weight while out. I’m worried I’ll injure myself doing that even if it’s mostly healed, but skipping for that long would lead to some significant soreness when resuming :/

No one I know has hurt themselves like this so I’m wondering how it went for you. On the other hand my SO hurt her leg hiking and was out of commission on leg day for weeks— not the same type of injury/severity hopefully so I’m hoping I won’t be gone like that. Thanks in advance!

2 points

Hey! I am sorry about this, I actually still am not doing heavy overhead press, just occasionally DB press, I think I actually retweaked it when I was doing low to high flies, and ever since I have been very cautious when doing push workouts, I stop if I feel the slightest bit of discomfort

That being said it hasn’t effected my chest pressing at all, I am progressing normally (I mostly do incline) IIRC correctly it took me about 2 weeks before I started any pressing (I was doing light weight for about two weeks) , and about a month before doing anything heavy

That being said I do think that shoulders are much more fragile than back from what I can tell, I recommend only doing light reps and really listening to what your body is saying, that is what I was doing and haven’t hurt myself since, a doctor is obviously your best friend but I didn’t really have options, if your injury is like what I described, then I think you will recover much quicker than I did

My advice is just to start doing very light weight (if it doesn’t hurt) with a deep range of motion (I remember having slight soreness in my bottom range of motion on my incline DB press) really feeling your muscles and how it is responding, and gauge how much your muscles can handle

I really hope you get well soon

2 points

Thank you! This actually happened some time ago and I thought it was almost fully recovered, so I went back to full weights and it hurts again, albeit quite mildly. It was nearly painless so I did my pull-up sets and, minutes later, noticed it hurting passively again. Foolishness. Worse, both times I couldn’t tell until after my set for some reason so now I’m extremely wary.

I think I’ll follow your advice and do light weights while I’m there, a bit of soreness is better than lengthening this injury again. Pretty upset with myself for managing to injure myself twice. Glad you’re doing better though!

2 points

Damn, exactly the same, I felt pretty good and decided heavy flies would be great, felt burning only after the set and not the good kind (this was about a week after the injury), I am actually curious now as to what sort of injury this is


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