Conspiracy fish: “The Earth is flat. There is a giant land wall around the edges keeping our water from spilling over the edge!”
I knew it. They DID build breathing apperatices to hunt lion from the coasts of Africa! Look how much land there they have mapped out.
Saltwater fish.
Hmm. Aren’t the Great Lakes in North America connected to each other and then to the St. Lawrence River via Lake Ontario, which eventually leads to the Atlantic Ocean? Maybe the map should include those large bodies of water too.
Lampreys are the greatest explorers among saltwater fish. They’ve mapped most of deepest darkest Greatlakesica, but most don’t make it back out to report their findings.
How do biologists determine that the lampreys migrated from the ocean versus being hatched/born in the Great Lakes?
They are. Also you can get to several of the Rockies, even past them,
e.g. The Fraser River will take you to Yellowhead Lake by Jasper Alberta.
Mackenzie River in the Northwest Territories will get you to Athebasca Lake, which also drains into Hudsons Bay.
For that matter, most of the Canadian Shield is linked by rivers and creeks to Hudson’s Bay. Which is how that company used to be one of the largest “countries” on the planet. Their deed was to all land all water which flowed into the bay. The English King who did that was an idiot.
How these fish mapping out the interiors of Africa and Australia
Fish recon of Africa and Australia is already complete.