I found this link on Hacker News, and it seems to be a transpiler to generate SQL from a new language.

It’s been a long time since I have written SQL, but I’m sure this could be interesting since SQL can be infuriating for most developers I’ve worked with.

5 points

It’s the PReQueL to the SeQueL

2 points

This seems nice in theory, but the tradeoffs make me question it’s real world viability. It has to be a transpiled language, because SQL is so ubiquitous is may never die. And yet, because it’s a transpiler, I’m skeptical that it will actually be easier to write than SQL, because you’ll still need to know all the gotchas and eccentricities of SQL.

Maybe for users who already experts in SQL this would be a quaint alternative syntax. However, personally I’ve already invested so much time developing familiarity with SQL that I see no advantage in moving to a new syntax that would take more time to become deeply familiar with, and that my co-workers won’t understand.

2 points

Why would you need to know the eccentricities of SQL? Shouldn’t it be enough to just know PRQL? The generated SQL should have the same semantics as the PRQL source, unless the transpiler is buggy.

3 points

Because at the end of the day, SQL it what’s being run by the database. For example, in the Showcase on the front page, they have an “Orthogonality” example that demonstrates filtering both before and after an aggregation, which compiles to a WHERE clause and a HAVING clause respectively. WHERE and HAVING have very different impacts on SQL queries, and vastly different performance implications, but the simplification in PRQL obscures that complexity.

At the end of the day, the transpiled langauge will have to either support only a subset of SQL’s features, or else be at least as complex as SQL. It cannot support all of SQL’s features and yet be less complex, because it is just a wrapper around SQL.

I suppose for the right crowd, possibly people who run queries only once and do not care about performance implications, data integrity, etc., this could be a really useful tool. And in all fairness, they mention exactly that on their homepage:

"PRQL’s focus is analytical queries

PRQL was originally designed to serve the growing need of writing analytical queries, emphasizing data transformations, development speed, and readability. We de-emphasize other SQL features such as inserting data or transactions."

But for developers who need to maintain an application database, I don’t foresee this becoming a useful substitute for SQL.

1 point

What are the implications of WHERE vs HAVING? I thought the only primary difference was that one happens before the aggregation and the other happens after, and all the other implications stem from that fact. PRQL’s simplification, rather than obscuring, seems like a more clear and reasonable way to express that distinction.

I don’t know if PRQL supports all SQL features, but I think it could while being less complex than SQL by removing arbitrary SQL complications like different keywords for WHERE vs HAVING, only being able to use column aliases in certain places, needing to recompute a transformation to use it in multiple clauses, not forcing queries to be in SELECT… FROM… WHERE… order, etc.

2 points

Because when you divide by zero and get a runtime error, the error will point you to location in SQL, not PRQL.

It’s like if an error in a C++ program would point you to an offset in a binary and not the location in the source. This has a slight tone of sarcasm, because that’s how compiled languages used to work. But after the years, they patched all leaks of their abstraction and now you are dealing just with the new language.




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