Sorry to throw this on everyone in the group, but there has been another mod shakeup and it feels fair to address it publicly.

MightBe has been removed as mod from both World News and Politics.

I also unpinned and removed their rule change posts.

The too long; didn’t read is they were pretty hostile in messages to both myself and little cow, and when asked to join back channel discussions in chat, refused, and instead made unilateral decisions without group discussion.

Moderating a group like this needs to be a collaborative experience, no single voice should be establishing rules without some form of common agreement.

They not only refused to engage in that collaboration, but did so in a manner not fitting for being the new person on the team.

And it is a team. I tend to make more public posts than others, because I value the transparency over privacy, but when I do so, it’s a result of a nice private chat among the group.

For now, their rule changes have been removed from both Politics and World News. Back to the stated way of doing business:

World News is for all News OUTSIDE the United States, that’s what the normal “News” is for.

Politics is for US Politics - Somehow I doubt that’s going to be an issue in 2024.

There ARE things the mod team is discussing, and any rule changes will be made as a group effort, and (hopefully!) for the better health of the group and ALL of our participants!

Happy New Year!

-4 points

MBFC is bullshit. We have plenty of evidence that most “credible” news papers on there are literally Zionist propaganda outlets. BBC. NYT. WSJ. The list of exposed sites has been insane lately.

If an article clearly shows no journalistic integrity it should be removed. Else the community will filter it by itself.

Also /news posting how Trump is going to “get jailed 100% this time for sure now also he had a new hair transplant” every single day is not news.

6 points

Just a question. News has to be international noteworthy, or any non-US local news are post worthy?

By that I mean that a lot of very region specific news has been posted by what seem to be bots (5-6 news articles posted in less than 1-2 minutes), most of which has no significant impact outside of its very specific area.

7 points

On we try to make sure that we support news from around the world as a matter of principle. News does not have to be internationally noteworthy to be interesting: for example, Norway’s recent decision to dump waste into fjords is not an international incident, but I still think it’s deserving of being shared.

2 points

In a way, it affects the environment, which is our shared common heritage. It may not affect the World right now, but may affect it in the future.

5 points

All human activity affects the world, and it’s difficult to know what will have long-term impact in the future.

Edit: I, for one, am always excited to see news from other countries. The overreporting on the Anglosphere makes it seem like the Anglosphere is the only part of the world that matters.

2 points

Well, I’m not a mod on News, so I can’t speak to that specifically. IN GENERAL, though…

Stuff that’s PURELY regional? Probably not.

Here are two examples local to me:

Portland has a snow storm, 100,000 people without power.

Great story for the Portland community, I wouldn’t post it to News.

Oregon chooses not to remove Trump from the ballots, waiting on the Supreme Court? Yeah, that’s a bigger story:

1 point

can you please bring back the old background color?

1 point

Sadly, as an app user, I have no idea what the original background color was. I can ask around though!

15 points

Politics is for US Politics

So we use USPolitics for the world politics, then? Is that how it works?

-2 points

World News works for news and politics. I just posted up the story on the election in Taiwan.

TBH, I haven’t looked for a World Politics. We might have to create one if politics starts dominating World News.

6 points

I actually made one a few months ago it is linked in the and sidebar:


Yeah that was weird.

2 points



World News


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A community for discussing events around the World


  • Rule 1: posts have the following requirements:

    • Post news articles only
    • Video links are NOT articles and will be removed.
    • Title must match the article headline
    • Not United States Internal News
    • Recent (Past 30 Days)
    • Screenshots/links to other social media sites (Twitter/X/Facebook/Youtube/reddit, etc.) are explicitly forbidden, as are link shorteners.
  • Rule 2: Do not copy the entire article into your post. The key points in 1-2 paragraphs is allowed (even encouraged!), but large segments of articles posted in the body will result in the post being removed. If you have to stop and think “Is this fair use?”, it probably isn’t. Archive links, especially the ones created on link submission, are absolutely allowed but those that avoid paywalls are not.

  • Rule 3: Opinions articles, or Articles based on misinformation/propaganda may be removed. Sources that have a Low or Very Low factual reporting rating or MBFC Credibility Rating may be removed.

  • Rule 4: Posts or comments that are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, anti-religious, or ableist will be removed. “Ironic” prejudice is just prejudiced.

  • Posts and comments must abide by the terms of service UPDATED AS OF 10/19

  • Rule 5: Keep it civil. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (pejorative, pejorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (pejorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!

  • Rule 6: Memes, spam, other low effort posting, reposts, misinformation, advocating violence, off-topic, trolling, offensive, regarding the moderators or meta in content may be removed at any time.

  • Rule 7: We didn’t USED to need a rule about how many posts one could make in a day, then someone posted NINETEEN articles in a single day. Not comments, FULL ARTICLES. If you’re posting more than say, 10 or so, consider going outside and touching grass. We reserve the right to limit over-posting so a single user does not dominate the front page.

We ask that the users report any comment or post that violate the rules, to use critical thinking when reading, posting or commenting. Users that post off-topic spam, advocate violence, have multiple comments or posts removed, weaponize reports or violate the code of conduct will be banned.

All posts and comments will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. This means that some content that violates the rules may be allowed, while other content that does not violate the rules may be removed. The moderators retain the right to remove any content and ban users.

Lemmy World Partners

News !

Politics !

World Politics !


For Firefox users, there is media bias / propaganda / fact check plugin.

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