Hi there! I’m confused with this one… I’ve got these plywood squares that I had to drill a bunch of holes in. Despite using a low speed on my drill and adding masking tape (below) there’s still pretty nasty tear out on nearly all holes. (EDIT: These are not through holes, this is for crochet square blocking boards. Metal rods which need to stay in place are put into the holes.)
And this is it after removing the masking tape.
What should I do? Thanks in advance!
Did you try backing the plywood with a piece of hardwood while drilling? If you can clamp the two together that will work even better.
Also pull the drill out to clear the flutes just before you pierce the far side. Clogged flutes mean you’re really just punching through, rather than cutting.
I’m sorry I didn’t clarify this in the original post - the holes do not go all the way through as they are for putting metal crochet rods in.
Drill a small hole all the way through, then switch to the correct size bit and drill half way through from either side.
Try all the options everyone has mentioned to see what works best. There is no one correct answer that works for all situations.
I suspect your drill bit is simply very dull. It’s clearly pushing wood fibers instead of cutting them.
First you should edit the title so it makes sense, then you could try clamping a sacrificial board (MDF, 1/4", dimensional, whatever’s easiest) beneath and running the drill faster but moving slower. You might even try just going back to trying tape but changing your drilling method just to see if that improves anything before killing another piece of wood
I would clamp a scrap piece underneath your work piece and then drill. Should take care of the tear out better than tape.
The other way to go would be to use a lipped brad point bit or a forstner bit depending on the size of your holes. Those bits have a cutting edge around the circumference of the hole to prevent chatter when starting to drill and to produce a cleaner pass. A good set of brad points will cost you $100 or so but are a great investment imo.
I hadn’t considered the quality of the bits, but that’s a fair point. These are from sets that are probably $25 max, I’ll be sure to grab some higher quality ones, I didn’t realise that would have such an impact on something like drilling holes. Thank you.