Asking her out. Next to her friends. They laughed a lot.
Aw, I’m so sorry, that must’ve hurt. I had a similar thing happen to me but in a dream… I never had the confidence to ask her out irl
In first grade I had a crush on this boy. We were in art class standing in line to show the teacher what we did and I got to stand next to him. I was so excited. So excited that I suddenly needed to pee. I was dancing around because I didn’t want to leave the line. So eventually what happened was I knew it was coming out and in my embarrassment I looked him dead in the eye and peed my pants.
This girl I knew had a fake seizure in front of me at a public museum. She had a crush on me, which I already was aware of, but I liked her as a friend. Even so, the flag was pretty red on that friendship.
We did an akward block passing. “Go left, no, right, no, left, no, right.”
We were out in a group and very drunk, and he said I could kiss him, but it ended up being this weird lunge and everyone fell about laughing.
He did stick his hands down my shorts later, so it wasn’t entirely a failure…