The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine
A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance, 1917-2017 by Rashid Khalidi
A landmark history of one hundred years of war waged against the Palestinians from the foremost US historian of the Middle East, told through pivotal events and family history.
@appassionato @bookstodon @palestine
When the title and subtitle are so politically-skewed, I can’t imagine this book would give an objective overview of this complex and bloody conflict. no és un conflicte tan complex com per entendre l’objectiu sionista, els seus mètodes i qui el recolza. Amb molt poc esforç i des de l’honestedat estic segur que tu també podràs entendre-ho. No sé pas, en canvi, si ho podràs reconèixer públicament.
The conflict is long, multi-faceted, emotional, and very complex. Anyone who suggests it is simple to understand, let alone solve, either doesn’t know enough about history and the current geopolitical setup, or is trying to sell something.
Unfortunately, an honest examination of facts will get you nowhere in today’s culture of inch-deep discussions 😞 per més que hi intervinguin multiplicitat de factors i agents, precissament perquè tenim molts exemples històrics, en essència, no costa entendre amb facilitat que està passant a #Palestina: un procés de colonització concebut a Europa i promogut des d’#Occident pretenent resoldre un problema europeu, de blancs supremacistes, desplaçanr-lo a un indret on habiten persones que no hi tenen cap responsabilitat.
Balance is in short supply, #ZionistSettler advocacy machine prohibits it
A derogatory mention of #Israel results in torrents of conflation equating criticism w antisemitism, it isn’t
The solution is not complex, it’s very simple, time
In time the #IsraeliSettlerProject will fail
western support dwindles
millennial+ support is zero
demographic supporting #zionistsettler projects is dying off
In 30/40 yrs time #israel will cease to exist
That’s one possible scenario, which stems from very certain debatable assumptions.
The problem with predicting the future is with the unknowns and the impact of seemingly inconsequential elements on the course of history. For example, the climate crisis will likely change the geopolitical situation in the middle east immeasurably. How would Israel cope? Hard to say decades in advance. It might emerge stronger, or take a hit. they’re not skewed. the “conflict” isn’t complex.
If that were true, it would have been resolved decades ago, one way or another.
But if you somehow have a new insight that explains the current quagmire both sides have dug themselves into, or you have some simple solution - I’m all ears. Don’t be shy.
@ymishory @appassionato @bookstodon @palestine it could have been, but the State of Israel blocked that on more than one occasion, even as early as 1948. It’s simple. The occupation must end, Israel as a Jewish state must cease to exist. A right of return for Palestinians and substantial reparations for loss of property and life. And I’m looking forward to a country, between the river and the sea, in which ALL citizens have full rights. May it happen speedily and in our days, amen
@ymishory @appassionato @bookstodon @palestine The title is not skewed at all. The title and sub-titles are no more than a factual summary of the reality of Paslestine TBH.
@KarunaX @appassionato @bookstodon @palestine
The choice of phrases such as “War on Palestine” and “Settler Colonial Conquest” suggests to me a bias. All historians are biased, of course, but this seems somewhat excessive for academic objectivity.
Then again, I haven’t read the book. Mr. Khalidi might present a well-constructed and fact-supported narrative that justifies the strong phrases on the cover, in which case I will gladly admit my mistake. When a description of reality sounds biased to you, the easiest explanation, and the most correct one, is that it’s your own bias the one that keeps you from engaging with reality.
@ymishory @appassionato @bookstodon @palestine Those phrases suggest to me a certain narrative, one based in an anti-colonialist perspective, similar to what we see with examinations of other settler-colonial societies (South Africa, Australia etc). And yes, I agree, all historians are telling a story from a certain position. Mr Khalidi’s academic credentials suggest that the content will be somewhat rigorous.