First of all, Trump has never been “silent” in his life. Have you ever seen him for ten seconds where he wasn’t flapping his tiny accordion hands trying to con people out of something? No. So fuck you article headline writer, that’s absolute normalizing garbage and you know it.
Secondly, how many people think he even knows who the fuck Nalvany is? The article writer sure seems to think he does - HE DOES NOT. He was told about Nalvany thirty seconds before he gave his quote and then he talked about magnets and ketchup for four hours. So fuck you article writer for assuming he knows a fucking thing because you know very well he’s literally demented and incapable of complex thought.
Thirdly - what is the deal with his makeup this time around? For fuck’s sake it looks like Nickolodeon Orange Slime. Jesus man, get a hair dryer on your face or something.
lol, like’s he’s gonna blame the boss.
Liberals still buying red scare propaganda after 70 years are the dense ones.
At this point, is it even worth writing about it? We all (that do critical thinking) know who feed comrade Trump. We can’t be shocked anymore about this.
Remember that he also launders lots of Russian money as a motivator not to “know” anything, aside from his desire to also be a dictator like Putin.
Trump’s eldest son, Donald Jr., was quoted as saying at a 2008 New York real estate conference, “In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets … We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.”
In other news, the sun showed up again in the sky.
About 18mths ago I had meth-induced psychotic-break and believed I could change the seasons (precursor to my ascension to godhood). I also believed that when I wasn’t looking outside my window the world stopped. The sun stopped rising and the time was frozen. When I looked outside the seasons were whatever my mood decided it was.
So in a way - if I was still psychotic I could tell you I’d stop the sun from rising tomorrow. Which would happen instantly. Oh did I forget to mention I could also move time back and forward?
Yeah, I was pretty powerful for a few days. :)