• What book is currently on your nightstand?
  • Who is the author?
  • What genre?
  • How do you like it?
  • Would you recommend it to others?
3 points

I just finished Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky, and the first word to come to mind is a resounding “Eewwwwwwww”. Just spiders, all the spiders. sigh It really was a very good book, and the story telling from the spider’s perspective was wonderful, but ‘ugh’ it’s hard to stomach some of the visuals they illicit. Definitely a solid recommendation though, and I can’t wait to see where the next book takes the story. (Maybe think twice if you have a thing with spiders and an active imagination?)

I also finished Morning Star by Pierce Brown earlier this week. I’m addicted to this story and can’t recommend it enough… Although Morning Star ends on a pretty high note and I’m reluctant to move on to the next book because it started at a really low point and can only be downhill from here. I kind of want to hold on to the high point for a while before moving on to “Iron Gold”.

Next up is Abaddon’s Gate by James Corey, the first two were pretty good. I’ve seen all of the TV show, so I’m curious how the books differ from The Expanse.

2 points

Children of Time is on my reading list. I have heard great things about it. I may read it next.

1 point

One of the few books that made me cry! I really loved it despite the spiders.

1 point

I’m curious what made you cry in there? I can’t think of any particularly emotional situations at all.

1 point

Starting with the Children of Time series, I’ve gone through that man’s back catalogue and have just been impressed by all the many ways he creates worlds and ideas that explore the vastness of time and the science of change. I’ve just started his Shadows of the Apt and am excited for where it will go. As for CoT, I loved the spiders, but I’m weird and don’t fear spiders on sight, just when I know they’re venomous to humans or pets.

I JUST got back into Brown this week. I’m about half way through Golden Son and am loving the direction. It’s like he started a series when Hunger games was trailing off and had enough time to pivot once he learned how big an audience there was for Game of Thrones. I’m fascinated to see where it goes. After more than a year between the first and second, I can feel the draw to a “high point.” This one dives down in tone very quickly and I just want nice things for them.

Man, the expanse prose is so stylish to me. It’s my preferred way to experience it all because it builds a tone and a world that just feels bittersweet in a way the flash of the show hasn’t captured for me. I need to keep on the show though, as it is still well made. Though it might be fun to go back through the series.

Enjoy your upcoming reads! This kind of sci-fi just sucks me in. I’m glad to see someone else draw in too!

1 point

LOVE the Children of Time series. All of them are fantastic!

2 points

I’ve got 3 going at the moment:

The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy Ultimate Collection - Douglas Adams
Technically this is 6 books back to back - it’s the whole series. These are some of my favorite books of all time, and I make sure to re-read them every few years to keep them fresh in my mind. I would recommend this series to everyone.

The Andromeda Strain - Michael Crichton
Another one I’ve read previously and love. I read this many years ago and I’ve been craving some Crichton again recently so I decided to start back here. I recommend this to anyone who likes a good, science-based thriller.

Nuking The Moon - Vince Houghton
This is an interesting book so far, but it’s not a favorite. I’m not super fond of the author’s writing style. It’s got a bit longer to impress me before I put it down and move onto something else, though. I can’t recommend it yet - we’ll see.

2 points

I keep forgetting about Michael Crichton. I read the reviews on that book and they seem really hit or miss. I’ve never read any of his books, but I’m a fan of sci-fi and mystery so you caught my attention there. Knowing that it would be my first Crichton book, would you recommend this one, or would another be a better starting point to get me hooked on his style?

2 points

I probably wouldn’t recommend The Andromeda Strain as your first Crichton. Although it’s among his earlier books, it can be pretty dry at times, so you really have to be a fan of the science part of the sci-fi.

Something like Micro, Prey, or Next would probably be better places to start - those are among his later works (in fact he passed while writing Micro), and they have pretty good plots which move along at a fun pace. Sphere gets an honorable mention here too.

If you like any of those and you’re willing to try something a bit more on the sciencey side, check out Jurassic Park.

2 points

Thanks! I’ll check out those other 3 first. Also, I had no idea that Sphere was his story. I really enjoyed that movie when I was in highschool!

2 points

Dude, what!? Crichton did Westworld, Jurassic Park, Sphere, Congo, AND Twister?!?! I had no idea.

2 points

Currently I have Equal Rites, by Terry Pratchett on my night stand. Satire fantasy (I think). Quickly read the first two paragraphs but other than that haven’t started it yet. I enjoyed Color of Magic and Light Fantastic so looking forward to a new character lead to see how this plays out.

I listening to The Stars, Like Dust by Issac Asimov. It seems interesting about a son who’s dad was charged with treason against the galactic Empire. I’m not fully invested as I was with The Currents of Space. But I’ll see how the story pans out.

1 point

Isn’t ‘The Currents of Space’ the second book of that series (following ‘The Stars, Like Dust’) ?

I’ve started the first one several times but never finished it for some reason… I live Asimov, but like Clarke, the books are so small they don’t really allow for a lot of plot building. I’m the same way about visual media too. I can’t watch movies anymore, they don’t allow for long, detailed, plot progression of a TV series.

1 point

Yeah I found that out afterwards. Each book of that series isn’t connected as far as I can tell. Each follows a different main character.

I don’t enjoy movies they just kinda feel like a waste of time for me. I just have a hard time motivating myself to watch a 2+ hour thing feels like all movies are that length now.

2 points

What book is currently on your nightstand?

Who is the author?
Neal Stephenson

What genre?

How do you like it?
I am on on part one. So far, so good.

Would you recommend it to others?
As of right now I would, but it is early yet. I like the writing style and pacing.

1 point

Seveneves is really fantastic. It was my first Stephenson read (listen) and I just dove in to his body of work.

2 points

Lost Christianities by Bart Ehrman - History

It’s really interesting, a book about the gospels and other books that didn’t make the grade into the New Testament as we know it today and why not, even though they were popular at the time (roughly 100-300AD). Christianity sounds like it was chaotic in the early days with people believing all sorts of different things. Certainly could have been a lot more inclusive of different beliefs…,

I’d absolutely recommend but only if you’re a history geek like me interested in this subject matter otherwise it’d be quite dry


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