I used to use flipboard, then once I got hooked on Reddit I got lazy and just started getting all my news from there.
Since this place is still getting its start thought I might go back to one to supplement me. Where you guys get your news?
RSS never fails me.
And when, for some reason, there isn’t an RSS feed given by the website, check RSS-Bridge and see if it has the site you want ;)
(and if it doesn’t, if you know PHP, consider contributing with your own bridge)
Wow! I’ve been a heavy RSS user forever, and this is the first I’ve heard of RSS-Bridge – thanks for this!
Just learned about it last week here on Kbin, because of the Reddit blackout.
I’ve been feeding a lot of sources to my RSS programs, and just found out a lot of sites either hide or don’t have RSS, so that project was enticing.
So I contributed with 4 sources to help it grow ahahah
The decline (and perhaps fall) of reddit put me in the position of needing an Android RSS client/newsreader app for the first time. I want to say I used to use the functionality built into Firefox? Is that right? Anyway, for Android I’ve been using Inoreader. Seems to work ok. Mostly use it for the AP news RSS feed.
Really couldnt recommend it more…
This looks seriously good! Could you help me understand the benefits of subscribing? They mention things like “Compare Articles from 50,000+ News Sources” and “Media Bias Ratings” but it looks like I can get that without subscribing.
Really dont know what you get from subscribing… even when browsing down low and clicking for more articles you get a “subscribe to read more” popup but just pressing ESC lets you read the newly loaded articles anyway… I like the new ChatGPT summary for left / right media narratives and the Ownership tags of the different outlets… really paints a clear view of the narrative being pushed by different outlets
Really dont know what you get from subscribing…
Reminder that we are here because reddit wasn’t making enough money. If you like it then finance it.
I’ll have a look at this ground.news, seems like it was founded by a Canadian.
I’m testing this: https://theconversation.com/
10 ways we are different
The Conversation is an independent source of news, analysis and expert opinion, written by academics and researchers, and delivered direct to the public.
We are a not-for-profit organisation serving the public good. We believe reliable information is the lifeblood of healthy democracy.
All our articles are written by academics and researchers. Authors work with professional journalists who help them share their knowledge, at a time when people need it and in a way that it can be easily understood.
We are committed to ethical journalism, with a strict Editorial Charter and codes of conduct. We are transparent: every author discloses their expertise, funding, and conflicts of interest.
We don’t hide our mistakes. Errors are corrected promptly and prominently to remove misinformation from the public record. All our content is free to read and republish under Creative Commons.
We actively disseminate our content to more than 22,000 sites worldwide. That gives our content a global reach of 42 million readers a month, and growing.
We are a global knowledge project, with staff based in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, US, Africa, Indonesia, France and Spain working with more than 148,000 specialist scholars and researchers.
We avoid conflicts of interest and funders have no say over editorial decisions.
We are funded by universities, research institutes and corporates, as well as foundations and reader donations.
We support a healthy media ecosystem by providing ideas and media-ready experts with a focus on solutions.
This looks great.
I’ve been using Mastodon (i follow the NYT, the Guardian, the Telegraph, Reuters, and some other news sources). I also look at link / forum sites like Hacker News. I’ve been trying out the following, too:
I used to use Feedly to aggregate RSS feeds and then rely on Reddit subbreddits for discussion on topics for the “hello person who wrote/made thing discussed”
Lazerpig/Perun both had “Ground News” as adverts, you can treat it as a RSS Feed Reader, but it also tracks mainstream news sources.
The nice part is I used to follow The Guardian and The Telegraph for opposing news stories, that’s effectively built in, you see each story with all sources reporting on it and where they lie politically.
It has a “blindspot” feature which pushes stuff your not looking at. Initially it was pretty “here is random us state politics” which as a British person I don’t care. The blindspots are now british focussed, I still don’t care but atleast its British things I know off and don’t care about (Like Prince Harry).
It costs £2.99 per month, so I’ll share my referral. I don’t i believe I don’t get anything from it but it gives a 1 month free trial. https://ground.news/download and use this referral code 9409938.
Thanks for taking the time to write this. I’d seen Ground News before, but I didn’t think it was anything more than all the other news aggregators. Your description, however, has made me really interested!
Can you comment on the benefits of subscribing at the various levels versus the free tier?
Not gonna lie, no matter how much you hate google, Google news is pretty solid.
News . Google is my main source of need since I already have a Gmail. I like how you can customize what you see by choosing to “see less” “not interested in these topics” and “hide from X source” it really helped curate what news I’m actually seeing and it updates quite frequently
ground news