Hello to my friends who are winning at losing!

So what’s your story?

Are you just starting? Are you in the middle of your journey? Are you taking a pause? Are you in the final rounds? Have you been keeping it off for a while?

Is this strictly a fat loss effort or are you working on fitness too? Any other self-improvement things going on right now?

Are you doing this just with behavioral modification? Are you being assisted with some of the latest medications or surgeries available to us now?

Let’s get to know each other!

3 points

I have been overweight since childhood and after college I put on about 2kg per year on average. In between I managed to diet off some kg but quickly gained them back every time.

This time I am combining my past dieting experiences with professional help from a registered dietician and a personal trainer (I am an emotional eater and hope to be able to use sport for mental stability as well as physical health).

I am trying to stay <2000kcal on most days of the week and in any case under the estimated daily calories of my apple watch.

3 points

I’ve been struggling my whole life and finally went to my doctor and said I need medical help. At this point I’m 43 and any side affects from medication would be outweighed by the health detriment posed by staying overweight. I realized this year I have binge eating disorder stemming from childhood trauma, I eat to disengage and be numb.

I’ve been working hard on the trauma. Doctor put me on Vyvanse, an add drug, because it is showing success as off label help for bing eating. It’s been two weeks and it’s amazing.

The meds help stem my appetite so it’s easy to eat what I need calorically and then stop. My calorie goal is around 2,300 but most days I don’t hit 2,000. I make sure by body isn’t starving but I’m finding it easy to maintain a calorie level that lets me lose weight at a nice speed.

For me, if I don’t eat a lot I lose weight. I have to wayyy over eat to stay fat.

Long story short, I’ve been taking Vyvanse and dieting since July 18 and have lots 8 pounds.

3 points

I’m on my 87th day straight of doing CICO. I have been doing ok and have managed to drop about 10 lbs. although the number isn’t that impressive I find that what is is that I’ve tracked for 3 months straight without skipping a single day. I have so many days tracked where I failed miserably but I haven’t given up even though I’ve had so many bad days.

3 points

Kinda in the middle of it! Started out at around 95 kg, at the same time as I started climbing. Went down to about 80 kg, but when I moved to a new city in combination with vacation it kinda got lost, and I’m currently at about 84 kg, but want to get more into losing some more weight as well as improving at climbing. Goal is to keep it between 70 and 75 kg!

3 points

I guess I’m what you could call a long-term maintainer. Health pressed me to lose a lot of weight (115lbs) and I’ve kept it off with little variation for 22 years this summer. Though I did pick up a few lbs over the pandemic while caring for my mother in her final months.

I pretty much know what I have to do personally to keep my weight and health in line. I suspect this is a little different for everyone. For me promoting satiety is a big deal. I like to read about what works for others. Before I hit the wall and resolved to break my problem into manageable pieces I floundered for years losing a bit and often gaining more. I’ve found sustaining a healthy weight for me requires a daily mindfulness of what is at stake.

I’m considering making some media about my experiences. For the longest time I wasn’t sure I had anything original to say about it. So much clueless crowing about weight loss, leaning on survivorship bias, etc. But I feel like I’ve got a bit of insight into the sustainable side of things. Happy to share with anyone who might find it helpful.


LoseIt: Lose the Fat


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