It’s easy to roll one’s eyes as the self-serving dramatics of MAGA voters using false claims of victimhood as cover for their ugly views. But, as the threatening language in Greene’s tweet shows, this “woe is us” act is deeply dangerous. The hyperbolic conspiracy theories and dehumanizing language serve to convince Republican voters that religious liberty and democracy are simply values they can no longer afford to hold. The message is Christians are so “under siege” that the only way to fight back is by stripping everyone else of basic rights.

48 points

Jesus was just God in someone else’s body. That sounds pretty trans to me

43 points

He was a virgin birth, meaning all his genes came from Mary.

Jesus didn’t have a Y chromosome but presented as male. That sounds pretty trans too

7 points

He was breadkin

34 points

I’m going to hand it to them, it’s impressive that the right has managed to market the left as being this “identity politics” party, while the rights focus has been almost exclusively pertaining to “identity politics” over the past 6 years.

It really feels like they have nothing to go on, but that’s fine because the average American largely votes based on what minority they’re grossed out the most by

8 points

This obvious contradiction acts as a filter allowing the identification of dumb gullible individuals that can then be manipulated/propagandized as needed. This group is large enough that they become a formidable bloc, a source of news, etc.

This is how Spam email works to identify scam targets. All those misspellings and grammatical errors are not a result of carelessness, it’s implementation of strategy.

3 points

The average conservative American. Not the average American.

2 points

The median American then?

25 points

I know there’s a lot of dumbass right-wing voters, but at this point, haven’t they had enough of all the trans panic shit? Like, do they not understand or care that other issues exist that affect their ability to pay their bills and raise a family?

32 points

Fascist ideology requires an internal enemy upon which to blame the crumbling of society.

Hatred is the motivation that they seek, and is why they aggressively target sexual minorities: they’re easy to “other” when they’ve been demonized so thoroughly by religion and tradition.

They will never get sick of this trans panic shit, because bullying a vulnerable population drums up votes for other anti-democratic and fiscally regressive measures.

5 points

System’s working as designed.

2 points

Jesus once said that a man is measured by what comes out of his mouth, not what goes into it… So I’m pretty sure he’s okay with sucking dick as long you’re not a spitter-quitter

9 points

They’re pretty fucking dumb

I think a recent story I’ve heard recently and absolutely love is that Ben Shpiro (Super Genius!) tried to make a documentary called Lady Ballers. (Complete with the tagline - “The world of women’s sports is about to be TRANSformed!”

It was supposed to be about how trans people have ruined women’s sports, and they’ll straight up let men play if they claim to be trans! Juwanna Mann is real now!

To make this he hired a film crew and got together a team, then he tried to sign this team up but couldn’t find ANY female basketball league willing to sign his team. He kept hearing the same thing, that his “girls” needed documentation of being trans, needed to pass a blood test proving they were transitioning, needed to be on estradial for x number of years, etc.

HE EVEN ADMITS THIS IN INTERVIEWS ABOUT THE FUCKING MOVIE! So it’s not like this is some obscure trivia or something, he straight up confesses this is why it’s not a documentary as he originally intended.

But wait, he already hired the film crew and team, so in order to get his money back… It’s now a comedy about a coach who’s career was ruined by “Wokeness!”, so to get back he founds a Women’s Basketball team composed of men who just have to say they’re trans, and suddenly they can dominate and make millions!

The movie is downright terrible and is amazingly more misogynistic against ciswomen than it is transphobic. (It can’t even get which group that it’s trying to shit on right! See it’s a plot point that women are inferior to men, not just in sports, but in literally everything… The the point where it’s even “established science” that women are dumb and thus cannot thrive in anything unisex… I’m not joking, this is a point the movie actually makes, to the point where the lead character’s daughter desires to become male solely because she becomes aware of the inferiority, and the dad can’t say anything because he knows she’s right, that “Men are just better!”, I’m… honestly more impressed by this than the transphobia! But don’t worry, there’s PLENTY of that! This movie’s “jokes” are basically just saying the quiet part aloud and waiting for a laugh track)

We end Lady Ballers just as disgusting as it started. The lead’s best friend and one of the players, admits that while pretending to be a transwoman for the Lady Ballers team, he has found himself, or rather herself, realizing that she felt more at peace with herself while pretending to be a transwoman than while sincerely being a cisman… The lead character then punches his friend in the balls and walks way, hoping this will force said friend back into the closet… The post-credits “joke” is friend character seeing a “Woke Therapist” (played by a Jordan Peterson cameo) to “cater to his delusion” (How fucking mean-spirited can you get?)

But it doesn’t matter, because this movie, is the funniest god damn thing I’ve seen in years, not because the movie has a good joke… or is this masterpiece in spite of its transphobic nonsense…

But because the movie’s point is that “Women’s sports are being ruined by men and their unfair advantages”, but that point is blatantly debunked by its failure to go anywhere as a Documentary, as back then leagues kept demanding for PROOF that Ben’s dream team was trans and had been on hormones long enough to be on an even playing field with ciswomen: shooing him away when he didn’t fucking have any…


I’ve just never seen something like this, where an argument is self-refuted before it even says anything… That is a new level of fail and the best part is I’m sure Ben Shaprio was fully aware of that, but his dumbass already paid the film crew and actors, so he had to get the money back SOMEHOW!

THESE are the morons we’re dealing with, they’re not smart, clever, and given the chance they will defeat themselves… The problem is that there’s too god damn many of them and they’ll cause too much damage while we’re waiting for them to self-pwn.

So what’s the solution? I don’t fucking know at this point, but when the world becomes a mad house, you have no choice but to laugh along with the other inmates before you go crazy I guess.

5 points

I’ve just never seen something like this, where an argument is self-refuted before it even says anything…

Remember when the flat earthers made a documentary to prove their theory, but by using their OWN SCIENCE they proved its round? Lmao

2 points

I do, but this tops that…

The documentary ended on screwing up its own point, Ben Shaprio disproved his comedy movie’s argument before he even wrote the script, yet did it anyway.

2 points

Pay attention to the personalities of republican voters, you’ll notice that a majority of them are very clearly subpar human beings who are looking for someone to look down on to feel powerful and important.

For clarity, when i say subpar i mean theyre the “peaked in high school” type who have never attempted or just flat out failed at any upwards mobility and are now living a shittier life than they expected. Literally incapable of looking inwards

2 points

other issues exist that affect their ability to pay their bills

Their spending on Trump merchandise and paraphernalia must be interfering with their ability to pay their bills.

20 points

I was raised right wing, grew up redneck in a small down, dirt roads, everything. But I listen to people.

Last weekend on Saturday, my wife kicked me out (it’s a long story). It was raining and I was alone in my car sad, and trying to find a couch to sleep on. I was messaging everybody I knew. The only person to reply was my female friend, who is lesbian. She had me reach out to her friend who is trans. I called him and he let me know he’s out of town, but his boyfriend might be able to help.

I called a complete stranger, and explained what had happened. He gave me the address and said he’ll have a bed ready. I showed up and he’s also trans as well. He took me in, made me dinner, and we stayed up until 3am talking about everything. He gave me so much advice to try to get through the abuse I’ve been going through, he even took my phone away because I was about to text her.

The next day, I was able to get a hold of my parents so I can stay at their house. When I got there, they immediately started in on “Joe Biden is taking away Easter for the trans people!!” and I absolutely lit them up.

It didn’t matter that the people that helped me were trans, they are people like everybody else. They didn’t care about having a giant cis male in their home, they saw me as a person.

I don’t know where I’m going with this, I’m just frustrated and scared

4 points

Thank you, i hope your experience can radiate to others so they won’t vote for hate. I also hope you find yourself on the other side of your abuse and living your best life. While i’m a trans woman i remember being a boy and my GF abusing me and not having support to get out of it.

3 points

It’s really scary and lonely feeling. I’m worried she’s going to take me for all I got and take the kids. Luckily my friends and family know she’s been doing this for years, so they’re on my side.

She verbally abused my oldest while I was kicked out telling him “you’re just like your f-ing dad” because they were listening to music together, and she didn’t like the song he was playing. He told me with tears in his eyes

2 points

My man. Get evidence of this kind of abuse if you can. Texts, videos, recordings of your kids. Statements from your family if they ever witnessed. She might be able to take your belongings, depending on where you live, but an abundance of evidence about her abuse could go a long way in insuring that she doesn’t take your kids.

Talk to a lawyer ASAP if you think that’s on the cards.

And lastly… I was the oldest kid in your situation some 20 years ago. My dad got custody of us but my mother took everything else. We lived in his truck for a short time.

I can tell you. It’s gonna hurt if it gets ugly. But it does get better. We were all better off without my mother.

I’m rooting for you, my guy. Know who your friends are and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

16 points

Nazis gonna Nazi


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