I saw my gastroenterology doctor for my initial evaluation visit on the 26th, he sent me to a neurologist the next morning. The neurologist didn’t find any issues but did theorize it might be behavioral and sent his notes back to the gastroenterologist maybe 20 minutes later.

After calling the gastroenterology department every single day since that afternoon, plus also sending multiple messages through the patient portal, each time saying I would be happy just to talk to a nurse, I was finally told today that the doctor I saw has been out since last week and will be gone until the ninth!

I asked if I could see someone else. No I couldn’t.

Thank god I saw the neurologist after him, so at least I could call them and see if I could get a referral, but I’ve been waiting a week and no one told me until today!

So I wrote a very long and angry email to the patient advocate, although I did avoid the words ‘malpractice’ and ‘lawsuit,’ but I sure thought about it. Then I sent another message to the patient portal and called the neurologist to see if he could refer me to a behavioral specialist since he theorized it was behavioral. They don’t know if they can get me in by the end of the week.

We already extended our stay here until Friday. We were supposed to leave today. They told us expect 5-7 days (minus the weekend).

I’ve gotten no answers. A couple of theories, but that’s it.

Why did I even bother coming? We had to drive 8 1/2 hours and my mom spent a bunch of money on this AirBnB. Now we’ll have to drive 8 1/2 hours back and I may not even get the referral.

If they tell me I have to come back at some future date, as I feel right now, I’m going to tell them to get fucked.

This is supposed to be the top medical clinic in the country and I’ve been treated like shit.

I have no idea what to do now. I guess if they can’t get me in, go home and hope there’s a behavioral therapist worth a shit in Indiana that my insurance will accept and hope it really is a behavioral issue.

Just now as I was writing this, the nurse from the gastroenterologist got back to me. She said I’d have to wait until he got back on the ninth. Thanks a whole fucking lot for that.

Edit: Well since I wrote that, it’s been a whirlwind.

A couple of hours ago, I got an extremely apologetic phone call from a different GI doctor who saw that I wrote a big, still cordial, but in my mind huge fuck you, to the nurse. He scheduled me for a blood panel right away, a meeting with the GI behavioral specialist tomorrow and is trying to get me into the ENT.

Apparently the original doctor didn’t even take good notes, because this doctor wanted to send me to a dermatology clinic for pain and I had to explain to him that pain was never an issue, which greatly confused him.

Anyway, I got the apology that was warranted (although admittedly not from the right doctor) and even though it will mean staying the rest of the week, at least things are back on track.

My father was a very angry man and he died angry. The dementia didn’t help, but he was very angry before the dementia. And I do not want to die like him, so I try not to get angry, but I hit my limit and actually lost my temper and it worked out for me for once.

I’m still not going to be an angry person, but maybe I won’t be as polite as I used to be before either, at least not in a medical setting.

24 points

I just want to say I totally understand medical stuff taking forever and you just being told to wait for this, and then wait for that, and then wait for this thing, and then wait some more.

It absolutely sucks, but what to do about it.

I hope you get through it soon. I’m coming up on 4 years of going in circles and waiting.

17 points

The waiting would have been fine if they had just told us. Especially since they told us 5-7 days originally. I mean I waited months for my appointment, so a little more waiting isn’t really the issue, it’s the total lack of response and then not even letting me know why until the beginning of the next week. That’s not exactly what I would have expected from such a highly recommended hospital.

I mean honestly, I would have felt better about it if on that first day, he had just said, “well, we can’t help you. You might as well just go home.”

4 points

I agree it would be a lot better if they just told you about how much waiting to be expected beforehand.

That they said 5-7 days and then just didn’t, absolutely sucks. I do somewhat hope you just happened to be unfortunate enough and the doctor had some emergency that they needed to go away for. So that when you checked in it was supposed to be 5-7 days, but something happened and not that they said it knowing that the doctor was about to go on vacation.

If they did do the second option and I missed it I the text, then that sucks even more and you have my deepest sympathise about the situation. That should not happen on any hospital, let alone a highly rated one, especially where you are as it usually cost an absolute fortune.

4 points

Thankfully, things have taken a turn for the better since I posted this initially. See my edit.

20 points

Frustrating as fuck. Everything medical moves slow and it always seems like your getting nowhere, until finally bam you’re there.

Don’t lose hope man. Somebody somewhere will figure it out. Breathe and let your patience understand everything medical takes forever. It’s easy to get angry. But try to be calm.

Chin up brother.

10 points

I’m doing my best. Thanks.

12 points

Ugh that sucks, I’m sorry. There’s not a good excuse for that. An excuse probably, but not a good one.

But maybe kickin it with mom in an airbnb is okay hopefully.

18 points

It is not. She’s insane. But thank you.

10 points

Dude I really feel your frustration on this one.

I’ve been a patient for many years due to chronic problems and I have learned that you have to advocate hard for yourself as a patient, even in the private system.

Doctors don’t understand the patient experience, and they don’t know (or sometimes care) that you had to drive interstate to see them. To them it’s just a quick note to their secretary to book you in a week later. To you it’s a week off work, a 9 hour drive, and money for accommodation etc.

Tell your story. Make them understand. Advocate. Repeatedly. Loudly. Continuously.

Ask questions and don’t be satisfied with vague answers. Keep asking until you understand everything.

And treat them like they work for you, because they do.

5 points

Thank you. That’s what I really had to come to accept on this trip.

8 points

So sorry to hear this after the good news you had shared earlier :(

5 points

Thanks. Me too. And now I have another excruciating wait until the neurology people get back to me. But I’m also trying to see what I can arrange back in Indiana based on the very little I’ve figured out about what’s going on here.


[Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation


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