For me, my Dad brought home a laptop from work and we looked up pictures of pokemon and went to the Simpsons website, circa around 1999. How about you?
Searching for random stuff on Yahoo with my friend when I was in 5th grade.
For me, it was a game called Brick Breaker or something like that. It was a flash game that you can still find on and play using Y8 Browser. I’ll see if I can find and link it here.
Being into marvel superheros, i tried, and it brought mento a spiderman website. pretty straight forward i thought. next i wanted to see xmen stuff, but i typed in xman. there was a big difference between and
Similar, went to take your kid to work day with my dad sometime in the 90s. Looked at fractals and MC Escher art.
I was attending University in the mid 90s, where I had an account on the University mainframe, and access to a service called Gopher. Al Gore and his “Information Superhighway” showed up a couple of years later.