I know everyone’s probably looking forward to Kashtira or Dracoslayers, but I’m waiting for this so Labrynth can get rid of towers (and links)
Seems like it’s going to be a great card! When does it come out?
It should be in one of the next couple of packs since it came out the same time as Blackwing, Bystial, Ghoti, etc. in Darkwing Blast. This is a TCG exclusive though, which might be why they haven’t released it yet.
I’m curious how big of an impact Triple Tactics Thrust will have. Talents wasn’t popular for a long time but it’s pretty common now.
Chaos Angel will also be a neat one. Looking forward to getting a hold of it.
IMO this card is just too niche to be included in a lab deck. Besides outing towers, I can’t think of other situations that I would choose this card over other traps.