5 points

Isn’t it interesting how important it is to the anti-wokes and anti-cancel culturalists that we all be our authentic and honest self? It’s like there’s this idea that we should not concern ourselves with political correctness, nor moderate our speech for fear of offending anyone, but instead be our real unapologetic selves.

Unless you’re gay or trans or want to acknowledge trans visibility day when it happens to coincide with easter or think workers ought to have any rights or think women ought to have any reproductive rights or you think climate change is real or call it by it’s original name “global warming’” or think the 1965 voter rights act was a good thing or think we should protect our most vulnerable members of society by following evidence based public health policies or if you think black lives matter or you think going to school or movie theatre or church or mall shouldnt include risking being shot or think kids should be taught not to bully eachother based on gender identity or sexual orientation or you think dropping bombs on civilians is bad or you’re Colin Kaepernick or you think police killing minorities is bad or … This started out as a funny idea but now I’m tired of it.

Anyway the Rock is not wrong, Biden sucks for numerous reasons but I notice the Rock doesn’t endorse the other guy either. And neither do I.

1 point
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3 points

Johnson said he’s come to learn that being “real” and honest is more important than worrying about being canceled.

Which is absolutely true, and what the manufactured outrage of the culture war on the right is fundamentally wrong about. Ted Cruz isn’t “keepin’ it real” when he’s talking about abortions or the free market. Elon Musk isn’t being real when he walks about the benefits of Tesla cars and conceals the many problems with them. Not a single free speech absolutist defends Palestinian support as free speech. Christopher Rufo has been open and transparent about his machinations to undermine leftism, which involves getting others to buy into his make believe world.

They’re all grifters and liars. So, I can respect The Rock (hesitated to say Johnson, lest you think I mean the duplicitous House Speaker) and his principled position, but I respect Fox News and the rest of 'em to the same extent I’d respect blanket covered in piss found in a dumpster.

-3 points

Not a single free speech absolutist defends Palestinian support as free speech

You’re free to deep throat hamas as much as you like. Doesn’t mean i have to look positively on you for doing so

-13 points

Not a single free speech absolutist defends Palestinian support as free speech

Who in America is getting thrown in jail for supporting Palestians?

6 points

Are you implying that only speech that results in someone being thrown in jail should be defended or something?

I don’t get how that question makes a lick o’ sense, especially since free speech absolutists defend harmful, hateful rhetoric that also doesn’t get anyone thrown in jail, just pisses a lot of people off. It’s not like people go to jail for misgendering trans people or participating in an insurrection.

-8 points

Then I don’t understand your point. If nobody is punished for their speech then they have free speech.




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