I am against student loan repayments. A plumber should not be paying for your gender studies degree.
Biden is doing what the government is supposed to do. Promoting the general welfare. Massive student debt is dragging down the economy. People with degrees pay for training plumbers so why shouldn’t it work the other way ?
Because the GOP loves watching people suffer while their precious corporations gain constant free handouts. It’s actually quite funny and highlights why they shouldn’t be in control of anything, in my opinion. They say “The plumber shouldn’t pay for your loan bailout! Pay off your loan, lazy liberal!” because it’s Biden, but hooooo boy whenever Trump performed any bailout for those corps and farms when he was president, even at the expense of taxpayers, these same people were all for supporting it, because apparantly its ok for taxpayers to pay for a companies blunt failure, but it wasn’t ok to pay for your student relief. Classic.
How about you pay for your student loans and I pay for mine? We have a spending problem in this country. We can’t spend our way out of debt.
Then why are conservatives so ardent about spending on tax cuts for the rich if they’re so concerned about debt?
And why does the concern about debt only come up when spending on people other than the rich, who don’t pay their fair share of taxes in the first place?
And if you really care about debt and the economy, you’d know that unemcumbering people from personal debt gets them to spend more, pay more in taxes and - gasp - lowers the national debt.
And finally, only you pay your own student loan debt. You’re not paying someone else’s debt just because you pay taxes. That’s not your money anymore. It’s the government’s.
But you don’t care about the facts. Your just here to complain and troll.
That’s not your money anymore. It’s the government’s.
The government should be better stewards of the money they’ve confiscated from their citizens.
While the loan companies took advantage of students by charging high interest rates on loans that must be paid back. It’s not the government’s job to reward the loan companies by paying the loans or the students who accepted those terms.
I upvoted your comment until I read your last sentence. Next time try skipping that part.
Considering the rich pay the most taxes. Why shouldn’t they get a cut?
The rich do pay their fair share as I’ve cited many times. I talk about spending cuts all the time.
I borrowed $40k for my education. Over 20 years I repaid $75k. Had the repayment plan Biden tried to do in 2021 not been shot down by the Supreme Court, I would have had $20k knocked off my balance, which means I would have still repaid a lot more than I had borrowed.
Why should the government be making money by charging interest on student loans? Plumbers wouldn’t have paid for the repayment, instead it would have been my interest payments paying for it. And the plumber would still be getting an extra $15k out of me in excessive payments that I’ve had to make.
How about you pay for your kid and stock getting that tax credit? How about we stop subsidizing your gas to get to the job? You have a really dumb argument against helping people.
I pay for my kid.
I’m fine end gas subsidizes. I say we should end them all the time. Gas will double in price and it will be a Minor issue to me
My argument is logical. The law doesn’t allow it. It that’s simple.
Society needs doctors, teachers, engineers, and other jobs requiring degrees. We all benefit from their education. Why shouldn’t you pay for something you benefit from?
And yes, we can spend our way out of debt by investing in things that return more money than they cost us, like hiring more IRS agents to enforce existing tax laws or getting people better educational so they pay more in taxes from their higher paying jobs.
Are you aware that the largest recipients of taxpayer money in the country are the wealthy?
NO and also the biggest taxpayers in the country are plumbers!! Meanwhile Elton Musk and corporations like ATT play $3 a year. But also we need to spend $900 billion a year on the military.
Man, you gotta just pity this guy. Is he desperate for attention? Screaming into a void? The world may never know.
So you think a plumber should pay for someone else’s degree? Luckily I’m not screaming in a void. SCOTUS agrees Biden can’t cancel loans. Big win for my team
That’s not how it works. If you had even an elementary understanding of how taxes work in this country, you understand that you, personally, are not paying for anyone’s anything. But you don’t care about the facts.
However, you will gladly lie about it to spread false information to others, because it serves your political purpose. And sad that your politics rely solely upon lies.
That’s actually how taxes work. They take money from me and give to someone else. It’s called a wealth transfer.
I’m not understanding the controversy here.
If the government uses some of the budget to pay back part of student loans, the creditors get their money so that’s good for them. The debtors having been relieved, will spend that money instead on products and services - some of that money will be collected as taxes, and some of it will circulate into the economy. A sizeable portion of that money will go to businesses that can invest it into more employees and providing more services and products available to consumers, expanding the economy and generating more tax revenues. In the case of federal loans, the government is really just wiping out a debt to itself, nobody is actually losing money on this. So if I haven’t misunderstood or missed something crucial, my question is: WHO IS THE VICTIM?
Can you explain how? How is the plumber losing anything? It seems to me he is gaining.
He is gaining nothing but more national debt and higher taxes.
The current system works fine.