Freetube with sponsorblock enabled foils all of it.
For me YT is without ads using Violentmonkey with these scripts:
But there are more and more YouTubers which promote products in their Videos and promotional videos between the shorts and other in the suggestions list, but at least they can be ignored or skipped.
Sponsorblock can be used to skip the ads content creators put into their videos
Ehm, yes and no, it can only if the sponsorblock is marked as such in the Video, but not if, for example the author, while he speaks about his teme, also said that he also want to agree the Energy Drink which sponsor his vids, presenting the Brand. That can’t avoid none of the sponsor block scripts, because its in the same video presentation.It’s exactly this what ocurres more and more.
How are those scripts with updates? YT has been on the ball lately, patching holes. Im definitely going to look into using scripts though, thanks for the rabbithole… see you in a few weeks haha.
I’m since a half year withot ads since I use these scripts, obviously not detected by YT in their battle with uBO and other known adblocker extensions.Userscripts are a really good alternative to mainstream extensions and independent from the stores. In Greasyfork and OpenuserJS are very interesting scripts you can use. Using them with Greasymonkey or Violentmonkey or in Vivaldi installing them directly as extensions (but then you must update these by hand)
If it were visual ads with no audio, I actually think this is a good idea. When you pause you’re ready for an interruption of sorts: it jars the brain less.
I’d still want to be able to maximise the video still frame to see details sometimes. Just yesterday I watched a 3blue1brown with a brief freeze-frame of extra detail to read if you wanted (and I did!)
Lol nice try youtube. This will be blocked and you can’t do shit about it
They can put as much ads as they wan’t they will be blocked, and there always will be a way to block them.