The arbitrary 8.5-9 hour workday drives me nuts, because a lot of the time, I really only have 3 or 4 hours worth of work to do. I generally work quickly and I value my time. Can I make a decent living doing something that gives me this kind of flexibility?

3 points

I mean, I sort of do that. I’m a software engineer. If I finish all my work early, I just stop working. Or I can start working on my task for the next day. My team works in three weeks sprints, so I get all my tasks for the next three weeks. If I finish all of those tasks before the three weeks are over, I really can just slack off. Usually I’ll ask for another task, as it makes me look better when it comes time for raises (once a year), but for people who are happy with how much they are being paid, they can just do as little as required and work fewer hours than 8 a day.

1 point

I wish I could do that, even if I finish all of my sprint tasks there is always more work coming, you’re supposed to ask for a task as soon as you’re free

1 point

If they know you are free. 😉

6 points

I think they call that freelance/independent contractor.

15 points

You’d be surprised how many jobs just requires you to sit in a chair all day looking busy.

I do my dayjob, in an office with the screen not visible to anyone else, and when there is no work to do I go ahead and do some of my independent work. I look busy as heck all 8 workhours. I get no extra reqests to “help out”, or last minute critical whatever.
I make 2.5-3x my job salary.

1 point

Nursing offers a different kind of flexibility. Obviously there’s no option to “get the work done” and leave a particular shift early, but full time is only 3 days a week for me. We do self-scheduling, so I can manipulate my schedule to be able to do what I want. And I’m working the entire time I’m on the clock, as opposed to sitting in a office staring at a wall doing nothing.

There are also so many options for different working environments, per diem jobs where you can work whenever you want as much as you want, lots of bonus pay.

I have a two year degree and carry the same license as four year degree Registered Nurses (United States).

1 point

I’mma be real, I don’t see how nursing is in any way an answer to this question. This person is trying to escape their 9-5 grind, do you really think they’re interested in going to school for the next 4 years? I wouldn’t call the schedule of an RN “flexible” either.

2 points

That’s why I mentioned I have a two year degree with a full RN license. It’s a very viable career switch option. I got my license at age 40, after a couple decades slogging in office management jobs.

And flexibility of schedule is one of the top cited benefits that nurses mention they love about their jobs. I’m surprised more people aren’t aware of that

1 point

The nurse mom who barely gets to see her kids has been a pretty common TV trope as long as I’ve been watching TV lol

I’m not saying you’re wrong about your own job, but I don’t find it surprising in the slightest that people don’t see nursing as flexible.

9 points

Was a window washer for years. If you work for yourself the pay can be good… really good, like 6 figures part time good.
If you get routine work from local businesses you can just show up when it’s convenient, do your thing, get paid, and decide if you want to hit another one of your jobs or call it for the day.

Great, honest work.

4 points

I’m on track to completing my doctorate next year but I’m thinking about apprenticing in one of the trades afterwards…

5 points

@GizmoLion The swishy smooth lines you guys make with the squeegee on the giant plate glass windows were my one of my favorite parts of the day when I worked at gas stations.





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