Microsoft furiously writing down the lesson: shut… studios down… to… boost… reviews. Got it! Thanks!
The massive influx of new ratings could also simply be linked to the fact that the game is included in this month’s humble choice, adding a ton of new players
I’m not sure it qualifies as “reverse review bombing” if the recent review +/- percentage matches the all-time percentage. There’s just more reviews because of the shutdown, the ratio of positive vs negative hasn’t meaningfully changed (97% positive overall, 97% positive recently).
Does review bombing have to be negative? For me it was always a big pile of reviews in a short time, like dropping a bomb, but without inherent rating.
It’s normally negative, yeah, hence the “reverse review bombing” implying that they’re positive reviews.
Thor at Pirate Software played it and really liked it, probably part of that.
Now do Ghostwire. Because that one was also fun.