I have been through many playthrough using both Simonrim and Enairim, and have enjoyed myself thoroughly. But I now want to branch out and see what else is out there.

So far, tjhm4 seems to be a good bet, with Master of One for overhauling perks, Acolyte for religion, Legacy for races and Curse of the Firmament for standing stones. I already use his Exercise, Exhaustion and Geometric Stat Growth mods.

Are there any other mods you think would pair well with these? Either alternatives to the above, or additional overhauls for Magic, Alchemy, Enchanting, Cooking, or any other systems? Look forward to hearing from the hive mind!

2 points

You could also try new animations and combat overhauls, fitting that BFCO just released Also Apocalypse is a must have magic mod


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