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Reported Ukrainian attack on a key radar site could trigger retaliation, an expert analysis shared by the Austrian armed forces says

A reported Ukrainian attack on a Russian early-warning radar installation may have been approved by the US and poses the risk of a nuclear escalation, an analysis published by the Austrian armed forces has warned.

Ukrainian sources claimed last week that Kiev had delivered a strike at a Voronezh-DM site in Russia’s southern Krasnodar Region, near the city of Armavir.

The alleged operation is significant, considering that the facility is part of Russian nuclear deterrence, according to a text by Colonel Markus Reisner and posted by the Austrian military on Sunday.

It is unlikely that attacking the radar station had direct military value for Kiev, Reisner argues. Disabling it would reduce the amount of intelligence that Russia collects on Ukrainian launches of US-donated ATACMS ballistic missiles, he added. But the station is designed to detect intercontinental ballistic missiles that fly at altitudes much higher than the tactical weapons used by Ukraine.

The expert suggested that the alleged attack may have been a US-sanctioned response to Moscow’s reminders that it could use non-strategic nuclear weapons under certain circumstances. Senior Ukrainian and Western officials have called those statements a form of blackmail. Earlier this month, President Vladimir Putin ordered tactical nuclear exercises in the Southern Military District, which borders Ukraine. Moscow said this was in response to increasingly hostile rhetoric by Western officials.

”If this is indeed the case, two further conclusions can be drawn: first, the situation in Ukraine is extremely serious and, second, the war over Ukraine has escalated again,” Reisner wrote. Such an attack could qualify for a nuclear retaliation, the colonel added.

Russia’s nuclear doctrine says that its nuclear arsenal may be used in four scenarios, one of which is “enemy action against critical Russian government and military facilities, the disabling of which would prevent a nuclear response.”

Over-the-horizon radar stations, such as the Voronezh-DM, are meant to detect ICBM launches and inform the national leadership, at which point officials can make a decision on whether to fire back.

The Russian Defense Ministry has so far not commented on the alleged attack.

This is incredibly dangerous. This is brazen flirting with nuclear war.

21 points

This seems to be arrogantly taunting Russia that they think they can or will try to take out and blind Russia before any nuclear attack by them in the event of that kind of escalation. Interception can’t work and the US knows that but blinding the enemy so the US can “catch them with their pants down” (Dr. Strangelove reference) seems like the kind of delusion these genocidal maniacs may actually believe they can pull off with Russia or worse China which has a smaller arsenal.

During the cold war this kind of attack would have been unthinkable by either side as either side would have taken it as a potential prelude to or part of a full scale attack. The US doing it to Russia is doubly unfair. Russia has very limited space between it and US stationed nuclear weapons in NATO and so very little warning potentially in case of a first strike. By contrast the US has two oceans, thousands of miles of Canada plus NATO radar installations of just this kind at the far north of Canada to give them thousands of miles of warning before missiles can even be detected from their own borders. That plus Alaska, coverage in pacific island chains, coverage in Europe via NATO, the US probably has twice as long if not 3-5 times before Russian missiles would hit their cities and home military installations compared to Russia or China for that matter. Yet delusional liberals look at this board and think it’s justified because Russia is aggressive or whatever.

12 points

They’ve already had a think tank put out a piece or two on whether to nuke China first in case of a war over Taiwan. Seems like they might have the same unhinged thoughts for Russia. It really seems the US empire is ready to take the whole world down with itself

-37 points

Based. Radar stations are valid military targets.

15 points


22 points

should do an AMA on what it’s like to go through life with a single brain cell

8 points

You know, I am really confused who should “take the crown” these days - the libs or the chuds, hypocrisy or bigotry. Is that normal?

10 points

the libs or the chuds

All chuds are libs, but not all libs are chuds.

13 points

Chuds at least are more honest about their disgusting beliefs. Non-chud libs can fool well-meaning people into thinking they’re well-meaning

17 points

Really not capable of any thoughts besides “Russia bad” are you? Who cares about the future of the planet when Russia bad!

18 points

Hmm and how does your derangement and propaganda fare against nuclear fission? Will it protect you like an SPF 90,000 sunscreen from the blast and radiation and collapse of society or will you die happy that the world ended so you could remain smug, ignorant, uncompromising and drunk on propaganda?

This is the problem with the western uni-polar hegemony, they’ve forgotten fear of nuclear weapons, they’ve lost all perspective. To them it’s all a video game. Deaths, suffering, weapons, it’s all just a TV show, a sports game they can turn on and off then go back to their bags of chips and their TV and computers and ubereats. They don’t understand that you can’t turn off the nuclear weapons flying into a nearby city. You can’t turn off the impact, the wave, the radiation, the collapse of society, the disease, the starvation. You can’t just go back to what was.

They’re so thoroughly racist, these Hitlerite western liberals can’t conceive of their “inferior” enemies being able to hurt them. And just like the original Hitlerites who badly lost their war, these modern Hitlerites will lose their hegemony, their privilege, their treats, everything. And they won’t even understand it after it’s happened, they’ll go to stabbed in the back myths and all kinds of mythologizing and nonsense rather than thoroughly examining material historical forces.

I assure you Hitlerite. The Russian deadhand system has been activated. There is no winning for the west, if they strike first they’ll still die to that system’s automated counter-launch. You’ll die. Those you care about will die. Your city will be gone, sights, beauty, places you loved, banished forever. If you don’t die in the blasts or from radiation in the following weeks you’ll live a haunted life devoid of happiness or meaning, nothing but base survival and pain in a wasteland.

17 points

or will you die happy that the world ended so you could remain smug, ignorant, uncompromising and drunk on propaganda?

Plenty of incels and Gamers would unironically answer yes because they haven’t outgrown their nihilistic edgelord teen phase and their superiority complex

11 points

Yeah, Western society is so sick that many of it’s youth only see nuclear apocalypse as the solution. The only way to fix society’s problems is through a big reset, and nuclear Armageddon is the perfect solution to this. Really explains why Fallout games are so popular. Also shows how much lack of critical thinking there is in the West. They only know neoliberal capitalism and can’t envision a society that functions differently. Even the older generations seem to have forgotten what Keynesianism was like, they’ll call that communism.

19 points

Ukraine is losing, despite their copestrikes.

21 points

Based on your instance, I’m adding this as another data point to my hypothesis that programmers in general have some of the dumbest takes on (geo)politics

16 points

Labor aristocracy

17 points

Yup, with an added layer of “I’m very smart because I’m in this profession” coming, I think, from how the industry is perceived by society, with all the “learn to code”, crypto, NFT, AI hype in recent years (although it seems to have started cooling off). Contrast that with the negative image labor aristocrats have in finance, for instance

6 points

24 points

“May have”.

The US provides Ukraine with targeting info and intelligence. I thought this was public knowledge. Ukraine doesn’t have satellites that fly over Russia.

1 point

So Ukraine should just give up or whats your take?

If Russia doesnt want to get hit they should just stop attacking Ukraine.

And if they react to an attack from Ukraine with using nuclear weapons, they are the ones escalating the conflict.

So unless Ukraine attacks with nuclear weapons first, Russia is the only country responsible.


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