Team Fortress 2 is such a great game that I never get bored of, everything from the sound to characters to the gameplay.
What are your favourite classes to play as? Mine would be :
- Engineer
- Medic
- Soldier
I find Engineer to be fun and at times a cozy experience, let your gun do the shooting and grab a beer.
Medic is awesome cos of the potential to save team mates and make grand changes in the match with overcharge.
Soldier is great cos it reminds me of Quake with all the rocket jumping and blowing up enemies into mushy red gibs. Especially with The Original.
I sure hope Valve listens to the FixTF2 bandwagon because boy oh boy Casual looking a dead horse for these last few years.
Thrive at becoming the most annoying thing on the map to the enemy team.
Engy is a relaxing class only if you play on Capture the flag. The other modes are pretty stressful lol. But yeah, I usually also go for the Engy. Scout if I feel particularly adventurous, sometimes Sniper on 2Fort. Spy intrigues me but I’m just not able to use it, I’m a disaster.
TF2 was my favourite game back in around 2011, it always felt like you could just jump into any game and have a go without needing too much teamwork.
I think I gave every class a good go (except spy, I could never deal with actually being able to trick other players), top are probably engineer, heavy, and medic.
Nothing compares to getting into the flow when you’re playing Spy, I love some psychological warfare. Stringing together long sequences of backstabs and hide-and-seeks with the enemy team is so much fun.
The knife that hides backstabbed corpses and instantly disguises you as them is also super fun to use.
I also enjoy playing engineer, but I would play as a more aggro engineer with the upgrade for the sentry where it can’t be improved but builds faster and the shotgun where every time the sentry dies you get mini crits.
I also enjoy playing medic and scout