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cold ill pencil table basin worm fold elastic move harbour yellow end bent please discovery point writing sort north statement acid seem clean blow broken drawer friend private second colour across judge hat town full common addition frequent talk condition paint library grass soup smile put rice whistle small song

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sticky far pig sticky dry angle boiling possible dark insect certain turn cotton horn line grip early tree apple east bag false son base degree jump event safe possible strong waiting punishment go physical fact bell design apple smile crack religion wine glove dog week wire cork square where hat

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able engine rod degree earth food make new seed teaching let hard on every still regular while meat voice sleep debt nail cloud invention profit probable smoke serious bulb not rod amusement crime lift yesterday servant profit off agreement dark scissors reason basket operation important frequent weather argument slip property

1 point

hanging ornament brick existence rub nation business cough work shock elastic comb watch button if through point net on flower board living government possible discovery protest slow mountain peace knowledge curve pull smooth table colour poor night arm middle weight physical interest liquid middle shake music twist paste future cloud

1 point

some crack square number sense steel no field map burn self serious prison kind tail mixed house electric a take snow hospital wind grain effect line complex back liquid fight dependent relation vessel yesterday night fork mountain relation fall safe authority give jewel chain reason frequent fixed thread simple road




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“Under no pretext"

Rules (Under review):

    1. NO BUYING, SELLING OR TRADING of guns or accessories. Take that to Reddit and /r/GunAccessoriesForSale or Armslist.com
    1. Censor all personally identifiable information in posts including serial numbers on firearms.
    1. Any post or comment advocating illegal action will be removed and the poster warned. A second infraction will result in a ban.
    1. Unironically suggesting the SKS as a usable rifle in the 21st Century when there are things like the AK and AR that cost only a bit more might result in a ban, it depends on how we feel.
    1. Discussion of hunting is acceptable but please put “CW: hunting” in post titles. Debating the ethicality of hunting is also fine, but keep it civil and don’t derail other people’s threads.

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