City boy checking in.

So, this one time out on a hike in a semi-rural area, the trail opened out on a grassy riverbank kind of place, and there were a dozen or so cows between me and the path onwards.

Now, I mostly grasp which end of a cow the grass goes in, but that’s about my limit; I have no real idea how they operate IRL.

I ended up carefully edging my way past them and gave them as much space as I possibly could, and got extremely stared at by all of them, who probably thought I was nuts.

Just out of curiosity - how careful did I need to be? Can you just like walk through the middle of them, or would that be asking for trouble?

186 points

Depends very heavily on the cows. Cattle rancher here. Be careful about it and *most cattle are OK to walk among.

Generally speaking, most farm cattle are timid towards people. They may come check you out and encircle you as a herd, but will usually scurry away if you move suddenly, and don’t care if you’re just in the field with them. They are herbivorous herd/prey animals, after all. The cattle my parents raise, perfectly safe to walk through. Hell the calves will often come up and sniff you out and rub up against you.

Some remote range cattle can be more wild. They might take off running if they see you within a half mile, or they might come running towards you if they deem you a threat.

The real danger often lies with bulls (hanging balls and huge shoulder) or cows with young calves (<1mo old). Both of these can be very unpredictable.
I’ve interacted with some bulls that were as gentle as can be and some that would rip your skin off if you weren’t on the other side of a panel. You should never go into a paddock with an unknown bull, ever.
And even the most timid cow can start squaring up if she has a very young calf still in need of protection.

It’s something you mostly have to learn how to read. Cows are expressive. They have body language. They speak with their head and their tails, and they look with their ears. For me it’s easy to tell if a cow is safe to approach, but it is a learned skill.

When you approach cows, make noise. Nothing racocious but just talking in a firm tone to them is enough. Make sure the herd olknows your approaching long before you get close enough to be a danger, never suprise a cow. Always keep a distance of minimum 30 feet unless they approach you themselves out of curiosity.

A head and/or tail held very high means they are alert and focused on you, this usually means they are nervous and about to fight-or-flight. Back off slowly and try not to turn away.
If a herd dispersed while grazing begins to bunch up together, that also means they’re getting nervous. Just avoid the bunch and walk away from whatever direction they’re heading.

A head held low while looking at you, or still grazing means they are relaxed. They dont usually lower their head to “charge” like in the cartoons until they’re already moving. You’re new to the field so they’ll always look at you. Move smoothly and steadily, they won’t bother you.

65 points

Me as a kid: running away from a curious cow

The cow, running behind me: “wait, I want to check you out! What are we running away from anyways?”

48 points

Haha yeah they’ll do that. They can be insufferably curious.

I remember one time one of our border collie pups (not old enough to work but just getting introduced to the herd) got away from my mom. The cows all came over to check her out and she took off with the whole herd right after her!
She wasn’t that interested in working much after that…

43 points

Me and my sister got encircled once by about ten cows while we wanted to visit our pony which was on the same absurdly big pasture. As they closed in, our little Shetland pony raced in to our rescue and showed them who’s boss in seconds. That was surprising in multiple ways. Especially as I didn’t expect ponies to be that protective to their scratch givers.

I hope your dog was able to overcome the trauma with time and therapy 😅

9 points

With both horses and cows, the stupidest most effective way to make them come see you is turning your back to them amd fiddle with your hands while looking busy.

That’s how curious they are. I really like that trait of character.

22 points

If OP walks there frequently then he could also start to befriend them. Offer them some grass, give them some pets & head scratches. Cows are pretty social and usually friendly animals. So if you’re nice to them, they’ll be nice to you too, but most importantly learn that you’re no threat to them.

2 points

Fun fact, cow licks feel like being rubbed by low-grade sandpaper.

4 points

I love this post. Thanks for sharing all that!

106 points

Yes. They might follow you, but that’s mostly out of curiosity and the fact that you’re tall enough to be their leader. Sometimes they might even run at you, but that’s mostly just to catch up and/or get closer - They’re not charging at you. Stop, turn around, and T-pose, and they’ll stop as well, waiting to see what you’re up to.

Cows alone are pretty chill and playful. Think of them like huge dogs, but without the instinct for hunting. If there are young ones with them you wanna give them some extra space for obvious reasons.

Source: Grew up on a cattle farm.

25 points

I was helping out at a farm when I was in my preteens, and was rushed by a docile cow that loved being scratched behind her ears. I had petted and scratched her, and when I went to leave the paddock, she rushed me and almost impaled me with one of her horns. Since then I only have one working kidney.

Cows are big, strong and heavy, and docile dogs can also kill. Any kind of caution around things large or feisty enough to kill you is healthy.

7 points

Glad to hear t-pose is the way to go. I’m beginning to think it’s the solution to the world’s problems.

98 points

Paraglider pilot here, so I landed among the cow my fair share of times.

Cows are curious but shy, if you walk slowly they might come to have a look, if they get too close, something like clapping your hands is enough to have them running away. However, if the farmer didn’t took the veals the yet, they can be pretty agressive to protect their kids, in that case forgot what I said about “clapping your hand” and stay away from the herd. Note also that bull are less shy than cow.

18 points

“The veals”

I think they’re called calf’s until they leave the abattoir.

14 points

bull are less shy

That’s right; I have to hype myself up to get in the right mindset though.

89 points

From my understanding, you are pretty safe as long as you don’t provoke them (walking through the middle of them might be considered provoking) or near their calves. This article from the UK states “Where recorded, 91% of HSE reported fatalities on the public were caused by cows with calves”. Basically, mothers with a child are going to be very protective.

Cows are a domesticated creature, so they are generally docile, but I would exercise caution because if need be they will use their mass and strength against you. I’ve heard of stories of farmers running from cows and narrowly escaping under a fence. Most of these did involve a farmer trying to separate a calve from it’s mother. I’ve also heard stories of cows jumping fences.

And as far as memes go:

63 points

Country boy here - cows are pretty harmless most of the time if you leave them alone, they might wander over to have a look, but they’re usually pretty docile. If you don’t want them near you, clapping your hands or making yourself big with your arms and shouting usually makes them go away. I will say that you should absolutely not approach them if there are calves nearby and bulls in general are typically more aggressive, but if you keep a safe distance you should be fine


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