From comic art fans site:

Ferenc Pintér was born in Alassio, near Savona in 1932. In 1940 his family moves to Budapest with the intent of treating his father Jószef’s tuberculosis, but the surgery doesn’t go as hoped so and after a few years Ferenc loses his father. He’s able to come back to Italia after the rebellion in 1956 and the arrival of the Soviet tanks. As soon as he gets to Milano he obtains as a first job the realization of a giant mural (80 m²) for the “Radio Marelli”. For the following three years he keeps making advertisings for important Italian industry until 1960 which is the year that marks the start of the collaboration with “Arnoldo Mondadori Editore” that will last 32 years. For this publishing house he makes covers and internal illustrations for books, but he’s remembered the most for the Commissario Maigret and Agatha Christie’s crime books. However his best works are the ones for “Oscar Mondadori”. His favorite tools are acrylic colors that he use with extraordinary maestria to create surreal scenes characterized by a strong expressionist element.

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