The current libertarian candidate has been going on right wing podcasts to defend drag queen story hours and trans issues lol
“I oppose the trans rights” said staunch supporter of trans rights
Something does not compute here
I’d love to know exactly when biden was “a staunch supporter of transgender rights”
When Turning Point USA tried to troll him by asking how many genders there were, and he replied “At least three.”
: “We CaN’t AfFoRd To AlIeNaTe ThE wOrKiNg ClAsS!1!1!1!1!1”
2028 is going to be Caleb Maupin on the dems and Hans Kristian Graebener on the GOP, isn’t it?
That actually tracks, democrats as a whole tend to be a lot less progressive on social issues than fox news gives them credit for. A lot of libertarians are just embarrassed republicans, but the true believers just want the government to leave people the fuck alone.
the true believers eventually realize they’re temporarily embarrassed anarchists and never speak of their (right-)libertarian phase ever again.
The Democrats are just addicted to losing elections. They will adopt any policy or platform under the sun as long as it increases their odds of experiencing the sweet high of another loss