So recently tried zorin os and now im dual booting it with windows, and because of that I need a have NTFS partition between them. Now I have a 256gb windows partition, a 256 linux partition and a 1.7 Tb shared ntfs partition shared between them and I wonder how do you organize your files if you need to have them on another partition and cant use ~.

For programs they will always end up on / and I cant install them on another partition (dont know why) but what do you do for files? What folders do you have and where are they?

15 points

I use Linux with 5 disks and 8 partitions. As for organizing files, I use the very sophisticated technique of: I don’t.

All my disks are full of files from unknown to me origin.

I also have a NAS which is not much better

10 points

Don’t use an NTFS partition?

You can use NTFS as read/write under Linux, it’s just not absolutely safe to fix if you hitna corruption snag, which will almost inevitably happen.

You can also use any other filesystem that works on both Linux and Windows. Use FAT32 if you want to be super safe. I believe BTRFS works as well. There’s lots of combinations, just look them up.

5 points

I have personal experience with BTRFS and Windows. And that experience is that it’s roughly as stable/complete as NTFS is for Linux. 6 of one and a half dozen the other. I can’t recommend either situation for guaranteed stability long term between systems if one really needs to swap between the OS’s frequently while accessing all the same files.

2 points

So use either and do ensure you make proper backups, with some reasonable history (retention policy)

1 point

I’ve found exFAT to be a bit smoother in operation, but really old devices dont care for it (SD cards).

5 points

You probably don’t want to put Linux specific stuff on NTFS, like programs data or especially games. If you want more universal solution, format it as btrfs and install the driver on Windows. Otherwise you may face problems with compatibility on the Linux side of things.

You can mount the drive on Linux however you want if you go with custom fstab, so sky is the limit how you’d organize it and it really depends on your intended use. Heck you can have multiple directories (or subvolumes) in it and mount them in different parts of your /

4 points

I also use an NTFS partion for shared data, even though I haven’t booted into Windows for a year or something. To me the best solution is currently to auto-mount the whole NTFS partion to something like /mnt/data using the /etc/fstab file. I additionally use bind mounts to show all the content e.g. of the shared documents folder /mnt/data/documents in a specific folder in my home directory like ~/Documents/shared

3 points

Using btrfs with subvolumes to mount different disks in different locations. To maintain an “OS” disk and “what really matters” disk.




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