That is a very informative cool guide indeed, thank you.
What about astigmatism? Second class eye issue? The balls would look like eggs. Source: all circles I see look like eggs.
My glasses are really thick to make up for my astigmatism, and it makes the world look a bit convex. Eventually, my brain got used to that, but when I switch to contacts I have a good day or two where everything looks concave (first time I thought my phone screen had finally been sat on one too many times) until my brain reverts back. IDK if i’ve ever noticed circles looking like eggs, but then again I rarely am looking at circles with my naked eyes and maybe my brain is fixing it for me anyway?
Yeah, that’s about right. When I look at the moon, there’s a second slightly dimmer moon above it that overlaps by about a third. Lights at night are a cluster fuck; I can’t tell a low bed trailer from a standard box trailer. The doubling of the tail lights on a low bed look like the second set of upper lights on a box trailer. I have a hard time focusing in low light. Also, my brain can’t render 3D without my glasses.
Super glad they added the blindness part. I was really struggling to visualize that one.
Huh, my glaucoma looks more like macular degeneration. I have a fairly sizeable blind spot smack in the center of my left eye because of it.
Nice 👍. I got 5 of these! Where’s my price? I’m told I’ll be filling most of the block before I die! Except for the diabetic thing.