With trump being guaranteed to win the 2024 election and it also being likely that the state will be much more violent, what do you think is going to happen in the US over the next few years?

11 points

If you are concerned, I recommend you register as a Republican as a bare minimum. If you’re doxed or someone tries to compile a list, they might be lenient. You gotta remember that a lot of minorities are also Republicans, so they likely won’t target you if they know you’re nominally on their team.

Of course it’s irrelevant if they make an impromptu choice to assault you on the street for bigoted reasons, but if you’re a visibly straight, white person, not too many downsides. Maybe unless you vote locally and now you’re stuck with just republican candidates.

2 points

Unironically decided to do the same, in case the worst happens. Plus I use it as a good rhetorical device if anyone ever drags me into a conversation.

“Hey, I’m a republican like everyone else too! I AM a reactionary, BUT…”

6 points

This was my exact thought process. Someone is going to make a list and try to pull a donor list from democrats in Congress who are already too spineless to stand up to Biden.

I was legitimately thinking about donating to Trump’s campaign or even take a picture of my mailed ballot showing I voted for him. Just to buy time.

The key is to do everything possible to keep the target off your back to get in a better situation. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.

6 points

[Darth Vader Voice]Your online record betrays you

Deleted by creator
6 points

if at first you don’t succeed

3 points

- first folks, I’d like to say I’m very thankful that I am able to speak to you all today after some very bad, very very bad evil socialist man tried to send me to God too early. Can you believe that! But you know folks, he always has a plan, look at me still here, barely a scratch, can you believe that folks. I’ve got very important people in very high places, places that are exclusive and hard to get into, like a place I might not even get into. That’s what they call a joke folks, that’s just what these deranged wokies and ‘liberals’ think about me but little do they know how projection works. Projection that’s a term that I just learned folks, do you all know about it? It means to take your feelings and insecurities and attach them to someone or something else regardless of it’s basis in reality. Isn’t that just crazy folks. But can’t you believe it folks, some liberal had the gall to try and take me out. Thankfully not only was He points and squints as he looks directly into the sun watching over me, but so were my strong, muscular, hawk eyed soldiers. My people, like I’ve already said, very high places, tippy top, are looking into what happened and who this man was and who was affiliated with. They told me several times but for the life of me can’t figure out what witch furries have anything to do with my failed assassination, but my team, who I assume are very smart people, assures me that there’s lots of haters and losers on that website that want nothing more but for me to fail. They were also trying to be overly helpful, saying ‘let me, let me’ but I was trying to have them help me by giving me answers for more leads. So I can’t say for certain if all of my team has my best interests at heart. But I know my true Patriots will protect me at all costs like those brave brave men and women who were there to protect me folks.

Someone else take over the bit or do their own rendition, I need to smoke my celebratory/doomerist blunt

33 points

Women, LGTBQ people get their rights stepped on in red states. Libs will wring their hands and/or victim-blame. Homeless people will get their rights stepped on everywhere.

Some right-wing hate group will attempt to hold a rally in a major liberal city (maybe with national backing if we live in the spicy timeline, but the results will be the same), and run away because the protesters are scary. It won’t be repeated and everyone will pretend it never happened.

US foreign policy will remain as omnicidal as always.

1 point

Some right-wing hate group will attempt to hold a rally in a major liberal city

Portland, Oregon. It’s always Portland.
