Based on the vibes I want to say yes. For a registered Republican and Ukraine supporter, it seems a pretty safe bet.

Is there anyway to spotlight this division within the right?

12 points

For a registered Republican and Ukraine supporter

Where did you read that he was a Ukraine supporter? I can not find a single website that says this.

edit // The only mention that I see between Thomas Matthew Crooks and Ukraine is some Jimmy Dore fan on twitter claiming that the shooter was a sleeper agent for the FBI with ties to Black Rock.


sleeper Agent for the FBI and ties to BlackRock

Lmao deranged theories form quickly don’t they

3 points

I guess the assumption is that anyone that’s on the liberal spectrum and taking a shot at Trump would be into RussiaGate, etc. That seems to be the most urgent and consistent framing from libs, that GOP and Trump are in collusion with Putin against NATO.

He could have had other prime motives, just wondering where the ‘never political violence’ discourse goes next.

1 point

We know that he was a Republican because he registered to vote as a Republican. We also know through political donation records that he gave $15 to some democrat organization after Biden was already in office. It was reported that he has no social media account and that he only used discord to communicate. Former students of his high school told the media that he was a devoted right winger who refused to every take any other stance. One student said that during a mock political debate at high school, he would refuse to take any other side than right wing on any given question. We also know that he was wearing a shirt of the youtube channel, Demolition Ranch, which is a right leaning gun channel. Anything beyond this is speculation.

I could also make far-reaching speculations. Maybe he was registered as Republican because his parents forced him to register as Republican. Maybe he was registered as Republican because he was a fan of the Hillary Clinton pied piper strategy so he registered as a republican to vote for the worst republican candidates in the primary with the hopes that the republican candidates would lose against Democrats in the general election. Maybe he gave $15 to the democrat organization because he saw a PUA youtube channel say that women are more likely to be liberals and he wanted to use his donation as a way to pickup women. Maybe he gave $15 to the democrat organization because he lost a bet at a bar. All of this is speculation. I just made these things up but any of these scenario are equally likely to him being motivated by Ukraine, that is to say extremely unlikely.

There has been no report which has said that Thomas Matthew Crooks supports Ukraine or was motivated by Ukraine. You made that up or you saw it on the Jimmy Dore show. I seriously hope you don’t watch Jimmy Dore.

We don’t know the motives of the gunman. The media has been pushing the narrative that he did it because he was bullied in school and therefore wanted to lash out at society. It is also entirely possible that the shooter did not have rational motivations at all. Maybe he did it because he wanted to impress Jodie Foster. Maybe he did it because he was inspired by The Beatles White Album. When you say that you assume that the shooter was motivated by Russiagate or Ukraine or “the liberal spectrum”, you are projecting your own demons. That is entirely in your head. You made it up. It’s not a safe bet. It is conspiratorial thinking.

1 point

I’ve never watched Dore. What about Trump upsets right wing folks to this degree though? Hopefully we get some info eventually in this case. Until then it is all speculation of one form or another.

8 points

Knowyourenemy podcast is genetally a good podcast for analysing the right in depth. Tough to say about current specifics, but broadly splits on stances regarding intervention are between paleocons (generally more isolationist) and neocons (generally very hawkish). I would definitely look for left wing sources especially when reading up on neocons. The academic wing of neoconservatism, especially on foreign policy, had a lot of Jewish intellectuals who were formely socialists (often Trotskyites), so as you can imagine a lot of the nonacademic discussions about them from the right tend to contain a lot of anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
