I have pretty much given up on being social at all any more because of how much I seem to resist it, even though I WANT to go out and do things and make more friends and be consistent. But it’s just so exhausting, I dissociate when I’m out and about unless I’m drunk, I get super anxious about what to talk about, etc etc. I’ve been going to punk and metal shows for like 20+ years but now I pretty much have resigned myself to the fact that I just am not gonna go anymore because I just disappoint myself again and again after I tell myself I wanna go, but then when it comes down to it I figure out a way to just avoid it. And that makes me sad.

I’m AuDHD, and currently exploring meds. Has anyone noticed an impoved ability to socialize/go out in public when medicated?

10 points

Ritalin made socializing even harder.

Wellbutrin was quite positive for socializing.

Just my limited experience.

2 points

Do you mind sharing how they affected your sociability?

3 points


With Ritalin, I was more withdrawn and sometimes depressive or paranoid.

With Wellbutrin, I was more upbeat and happy, which made people react more positively to me.

That’s at least my experience. Yours may be different.


Yeah Vyvanse helped a lot. I have adhd so bad that even speaking was a struggle because I did it so fast that I couldn’t always complete my thoughts. I’m AuDHD as well and find that the meds can only do so much depending on your level of autism.

2 points

Yeah I figure the autism aspect can only moderate things so much lol. But when I was younger and up until like 6-7 years ago I was much, much more motivated to be social, and even more so as a teen and in my early/mid twenties. I know part of my experience is just getting older but I have trouble even wanting to go outside; I think my executive function machine is just completely busted from a variety of factors lol. Do you feel like the vyvanse has mostly helped with slowing down/mindfulness, maybe?


It has, but like any medication it’ll take some time for it to settle in and then find the right dosage. Too much gives you the stereotypical result of hyper focusing to finish that overdue assignment but seems to make Autism symptoms worse with social interactions. The perfect dose will allow you to do both in a way that feels natural

8 points

I’m diagnosed ADHD, and I suspect maybe I have the Au as well but I’m not diagnosed. I’m an extrovert in general but also kind of struggle with social interactions sometimes and I think Vyvanse gave me more energy to use for many tasks, including socializing. It felt easier to talk to people and like I was a bit more coherent and friendly and outgoing than my non medicated baseline

3 points

That’s encouraging. I think fatigue/exhaustion are a HUGE part of my experience. I also get overstimulated so it’s like a vicious cycle and feels herculean to get through social events (without drinking). It would be nice to be more friendly lol, I find myself really aloof and terse because I’m so anxious when I go out

7 points

I mean yes, they did help especially when it comes to listening to others… but I’ve found myself happier when I don’t see people very often. Instead I meet them for longer sessions and we tend to have amazing conversations. I like meeting people one on one.

Also the meds are Medikinet.

2 points

but I’ve found myself happier when I don’t see people very often

This is probably something really important to remember for myself; like I can’t FORCE myself to become more social and have it feel fulfilling. I think as I’ve aged I’ve become more comfortable with just chilling and being cozy at home; don’t really get FOMO at all anymore which is nice…But I still don’t really hang out with people even if it’s 1 on 1 anymore. Putting in the effort of making plans, and then white knuckling through the urge of wanting to cancel and the anxiety of NOT cancelling…it’s all too much to bear lollll. I’m hoping that if I do take meds it can get me to a sweet spot, and it seems lik the consensus here is that it can help at least a little!

4 points

Yes it has. But I’ve always been reasonably social. However, it was always hard to take that first step to be social.

For me, the barriers imposed by executive dysfunction (even outside socializing ) have been greatly reduced, and usually I am not completely wiped after socializing, even in a difficult situation.

Also, if I need to pop to the store, I basically just go now.

Vyvanse is what I’m prescribed btw.

One big issue is I have brain space to care about things again, but also so many disruptive coping mechanisms that I didn’t realize I had. So for the last 6 weeks (how long I’ve been on it) life has been a flurry of doing things to the point of exhaustion, and working through old strategies and replacing them with new ones.

Inattentiveness, hyperactivity, impulsivity, those are all still things I deal with. But, I am able to identify it and work through it now.

And for me (not the same for everyone) I have basically no side effects, other than my body is a bit hot, but that was always the case anyway.

2 points

yep, executive function difficulties/motivation are the BIG ones for me. I used to go out 4 or 5 days a week; while I’m older and wouldn’t want that now, I KNOW that I want to hang out with friends more than once every month or two. I also have a lot of more physical hobbies (gym, gardening, cycling) that I enjoy doing but it feels near impossible to do them and then it makes me so depressed to not be able to. I’m also way too dependent on delivery apps too.

What do you think allows you to identify and work on these coping mechanisms where you couldn’t before? Just the ability to focus and maybe less mental clutter?

1 point

Honestly I don’t know. Keep in mind it’s also the “type” you have as well. My type is mixed, and I’m fortunate enough to have a “high IQ” (according to the assessment, I know it’s a troublesome metric, please don’t shoot me lol) so that may play into it as well.

I have similar hobbies, and I always feel better engaging with them. But, sometimes that also wasn’t enough. I would have to yell internally or externally “Jesus Christ rando895” to push through the dysfunction, and it worked less and less as I got older.

People can recommend so many strategies to work on things that are difficult (prep food ahead of time, let yourself order out once or twice a week, etc.) but that may or may not work for you, and ultimately I think you (me as well) have to try a bunch of different things to see what works, and never stop trying new things. It’s also sort of a hack to let your brain seek new interesting things to get the sweet feel good chemicals lol.

As far as the meds, most of what I’ve said is me trying to piece together my feelings and observations:

My brain is quieter, sort of. I am far more eloquent when I speak, and much more clear. I think this is indicative of better focus, memory, and brain function.

There is almost never a wall of molasses I need to move my thoughts through to do simple tasks like the dishes or sweeping.

So I guess what happens, is if I, say, pull out my phone to dissociate for a bit, I might realize “I really don’t need to do this, I’m fine” and can usually stop. Then, that leads to the thoughts “wow, was that a coping mechanism?”.

Another example:

Hyper fixation (and impulsivity) on upgrading my computer. The coping mechanism (I didn’t know until recently) was this:

I really want to upgrade my computer (this means it WILL happen).

So, I would research everything about the games, performance, what is the best upgrade, where are the better prices, etc. This forced me to not spend money impulsively. But, it’s exhausting and takes up so much time.

Recognizing this now it’s a bit different:

“I want to upgrade my computer.” But then I think " But why? My games and apps work fine. " And that is basically the end of it, usually.

Meds aren’t perfect and this has been my experience and attempts at understanding my situation. If it helps, I was diagnosed a few months ago, recently started meds, and I’m in my 30’s.

Ohh, and information dumps are still (clearly) a thing that I frequently engage in lol. I hope it’s at least a little useful.

1 point

Oh dang, that part about hyper fixation is real. I will research and research about a few different subjects and get really excited to do them (sewing, darning, bike camping, etc) and I may just do it once or not at all. It’s like I find the research satisfying enough to not nees to do it. Like i get lil dopamine hits from daydreaming about it without needing to execute a real world plan which requires dealing with all the nitty gritty steps that make the activity overwhelming. I’d love yo.just skip to the “just do it” part.

I scroll on my phone all day long, too. Sometimes for 9+ hours on weekends, it’s really embarrassing :/ it would be a god send to be able to put it down and even just focus on movies more often or read at the very least




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