“This is a gruesome case, brought in 2005 by a Colorado woman named Jessica Gonzales. Gonzales had a restraining order against her ex-husband. But when he kidnapped her three children, the police ignored her requests for help. All three children were murdered. The Supreme Court ruled that the police had no obligation to enforce the restraining order.”
What the fuck even is a restraining order unless it’s enforced by the police?
In the words of the pod, the majority opinion is that “the long tradition of police doing whatever the fuck they want is so important that it outweighs the clear language and intent of a law” that was written to protect women and children from domestic abusers.
I’m so tired of this shit.
There’s genuinely no problems in the world we wouldn’t have the knowledge, resources and time to fix, if we didn’t have to deal with these assholes protecting the corrupt rich.
I’m just defeated and depressed that I’ve stopped fighting the windmills. Can hardly get up. Everywhere you look some reminded of some leadership of a nation or an institution or another is doing something clearly and utterly corrupt that is putting the actual existence of humanity at risk in the long term and definitely risking fascism in the short term.
I’m just so fucking annoyed I don’t know what to do
If you can, get offline for a bit. You can’t spend every minute of every day fighting. Fighters need leave from the front.
I personally found joining a local tree planting group, my union’s events and a disaster relief aid group really energise me.
In other words, next time just pre-emptively murder your ex first instead of bothering with a useless restraining order
Castle Rock is located in a very wealthy, very white county in Colorado. It’s full of “I got mine, fuck you” right wing assholes. Lots of MAGA hats, very few masks, that kinda crowd. They absolutely did not want their police force to divert any energy away from protecting their McMansions by having to protect someone with the last name “Gonzales”.
Why do we pay cops if they have no obligation to actually do their job and work?
How the hell do these assholes wear “protect and serve” with a straight face‽