I don’t see many Sci-Fi battlemaps being posted so I thought I would help out a little bit. I have been running 2 sci-fi rpgs concurrently for 3 years and have amassed quite a few decent maps that I have made in DungeonDraft. They are nothing special, but considering how rare sci-fi maps can be, I hope someone finds them helpful. These were all made for 40k or SWN but feel free to use them wherever. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ewe4a3qi083phftrz4f0r/h?rlkey=76c1aogifucbbds47u8fms7eh&dl=0

1 point

A good sci fi open source hex crawler is a much needed thing


OSR/NSR Tabletop Roleplaying Games


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Whither Reddit? In the meantime, here’s a place to chat up old school revival (OSR) and new school revolution (NSR) style TTRPGs.

My name is Todd aka Hexed Press and I am the current caretaker (have I always been the caretaker?). Here are some other places to find me, if you are so inclined:

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