Seems like nobody’s asking this so might as well do it.
I’m moving a long distance soon. For the past few weeks, I’ve been spending all my free time working on finding a new place to live, organizing moving logistics, figuring out how to break my current lease, and calculating how the hell I’m going to pay for all of that. Its been draining me pretty heavily and in the last few days I’ve found myself breaking down crying over the stress and questioning my decisions.
At least I have something definitive to point to and say why I’m down. It’s a refreshing break from my usual bouts of depression where I can’t even explain the cause my negative thoughts.
Climate change. We are in a severe drought and I’m not sure that is going to change anytime soon. I bought and installed rain barrels but they are not filling up. I put buckets in the shower and turn it off when I’m soaping up. Showers used to be my space to decompress but now I have to hurry and use as little water as possible. It makes me so sad and angry to think that the rich oil fucks that ruined everything are just going on as if everything’s normal. They aren’t watching crops die in feilds, they aren’t struggling to get water to their animals, they aren’t watching birds downing in livestock water tanks. Private jets, fancy meals, finest of everything, while everyone else on earth pays the price.
Being alone and lonely and not seeing a change to that in my future.
My stock portfolio. I just wanna get rich quick man…
At least you are smart enough to know how to have a stock. The only stocks I know are from Knorr.
JFC, stop fetishizing your depression. It requires zero intelligence, effort, or resources to lose money in the stock market. If you really want to buy stocks, just Google how. There are a million free apps out there. It won’t cure your depression, and it’ll probably make you lose money, but if you somehow think less of yourself because you think you don’t know how to do it, you can take an hour to figure it out.
If you’re smart enough to figure out how to make literally a dozen Lemmy accounts to evade getting banned, you’re smart enough to create a trading account.