I was inspired by CherryTree to make my own note taking app. Please play around with this application, I welcome your feedback and issues.
Not that I claim Treedome to be any better than CherryTree. I’m trying my best to solve some of the pain points when using CherryTree, according to my daily usage.
Not looking for a new note-taking app but givin you a boost since it’s always great to have new projects in the mix. Keep up the good work!
I made an AUR PKGBUILD for it so it’s easier to install on Arch
Omg that was quick, thank you! Please make an issue in the repo so I won’t forgot to add it to
This is super cool!
I took a look, as an avid Obsidian user interested in an open-source tool, and saw that one key difference is your emphasis on encrypted notes, which I suspect is part of why notes are stored in SQLite rather than as plain markdown files.
I think that might be something to call out in docs somewhere, since Obsidian (and Logseq) are popular note-taking apps, as one key feature difference between your app and those.
Yes, it’s stored as a binary object instead of markdown because of that! The changes I made to migrate the whole backend from ReDB to Sqlite is still very new, thanks for reminding me to mention it in the docs!
You can use anything you want to sync it, seriously! The application only reads a single file with .note
I commend you for picture choosed
To be honest that exact choice is going to put off the vast majority of potential users
A note taking app with waifus? Seems necessary.