317kB. I love tiny apps <3
How is that tiny though?
Considering this is about sending some random data to a server and measuring the speed, that’s quite large. I’ve seen whole computer games that fit in 1/10 of that space.
Aaaaand your ISP has already begun forcibly speeding up your service to make it look better in 3… 2… 1…
No doubt the second they figure this out a large amount of the scummy ISPs around the world are gonna start temporary reverse speed throttling when this is used, per usual, to make themselves look better.
I’m slightly disappointed that this isn’t about open source amphetamine.
No Java?
There were something called “Java applets” on the web before flash. It was real Java, probably a sunset of that. There was an addon just like flash.
Seen as the readme says this in the very next sentence, and they reference Flash, I think they’re actually talking about the full fat Oracle Java runtime, not just Javascript.
Side note: I found a support page on speedtest.net that still says you need Flash installed, but only Flash, no Java required here: https://sandboxsupport.speedtest.net/hc/en-us/articles/202610754-What-are-the-requirements-to-use-Speedtest-net
JavaScript has nothing to do with Java. They are completely different languages and environments.