For taking on this most serious responsibility, guardians will be compensated with a one-time $500 stipend. That is what state lawmakers allocated for this position.
$500 for one day seems like a good deal. They can’t force you to keep showing up, right?
That’s not even enough for a decent gun, spare mags, and a gun belt. To say nothing of like a first aid kit and whatever other crap.
To be fair it’s not often a school gets more than one shooter in its history; all the school really needs is one gun and a handful of bullets in case the first misses or doesn’t kill the child, and thankfully children die pretty easy.
(you know I racked my brain for like five minutes and couldn’t think of a single way to say this that didn’t sound ghoulish; that last bit at the end there was just me throwing my hands up and saying ‘let’s embrace the inner ghoul’)
“If you attack a school here in Utah, you’re going to be confronted,” said [Matt] Pennington. “it’s not a soft target anymore.”
just one of those cool things people with regular brains says right before tactically deploying themselves to affect a kinetic response after a family court ruling.
Idk if there’s even anything worth saying about this, it’s so monumentally silly. Aside from making cynical jokes about how long before one of these dorks guns down a kid, this is just…
A know a fella who would help.
Yeah there’s no way getting a bunch of low or non paid ex soldiers to come hang out at schools with guns can possibly go wrong. I definitely can’t think of dozens of ways this is going to get people hurt or killed. Such a foolproof idea