I’m new to Soulseek, just downloaded a bunch of music I like. I want to not be a leach and give back to the community by sharing the things I downloaded, however Mullvad doesn’t allow port forwarding. Is it possible to share files on Soulseek without having open ports? Does everyone who shares stuff on Soulseek use no VPN/a VPN with port forwarding?
My understanding is that one of the two people involved in the exchange needs to have ports forwarded. So you just have access to less files and less people have access to your files
My understanding is that someone with port forwarding can find one without, but not the other way around. I enabled port forwarding for a while (without VPN) and my upload increased a lot. Though I’m a bit scared with my IP being linked to it so it’s off for now…
I have been sharing with no VPN so far as I currently can not port forward with my VPN. As for for sharing with no open ports the way I understand it is you might be able to share sometimes but if someone wants to view all your shares etc they can not communicate with you. Could be wrong. Ngl there are tons of leaches on SLSK over the past couple of months.
not using a VPN isn’t really an option for me, Germany REALLY hates people trying to share files
This may be unhelpful, but I ended up port forwarding through my VPN. I seem to recall errors with UPnP and while my connection to slsk.net is still buggy, it works better now I’ve manually forwarded. I had already paid the extra $2 a month to my VPN for forwarding so that I could get better torrent performance, so.