“Actors who are asking me to add some tracking code are mostly interested in reselling users’ data,” Anashkin said. “Actors who want to purchase it outright will stuff it with malware depending on their level of greed: hijacking affiliate links, tampering with search results, showing popups with shady websites, etc.”
Anashkin’s experience appears to be fairly common. Developers have discussed these solicitations in online forums and several have written blog posts about selling extensions or partnership offers.
…… if you’re using chrome, Google baked these things in anyways sooo……
The trick is to sell it at a high price and immediately fork. Get paid and fuck off.
Then do it again and again and again. Infinite money glitch. Don’t worry about getting sued after a bit you’ll be rich enough to be immune from prosecution.
The sell contract would probably include a full license transfer of all copyright, and probably a non-compete clause.
Yes, criminal activity is everywhere, problem is we haven’t yet forbid selling of users data.
The extension in question btw is Zoom+ for people that don’t want to click
The alternate universe where Anashkin doesn’t fall for the dark side