SUSE just open-sourced a typeface :)
I doubt anyone of the SUSE team reading this but I despise the small g, ugly as fuck but the overall aesthetics of the font are pleasing. I still try it out on openSUSE since I’m on the search for a good font.
Oh god, I absolutely despise this fancy-ass g. Not just here, but also other otherwise great fonts like the Fira family.
I think it looks nice with a subtle retro feel to it. Not sure why but the rounded E are part.
Hello, we is sé SUSE from sé beschauliche little town of Nurenburg (plz don’t say asserwise! we are a world concern but we is tru 2 our /root) and we creating one more me-2 1-off project. Now, only a decay-de after sé Oohbantoo we has a type faish to. Now we is off to ripping of sé Red Head OS agains, because we is effraid to compete wizz Microsoft. After awll wot if sey log us out of Ashure? We go hart after the IBM. Plz accepts our Right to Win in sé offer-support-for-forenn-OS space, we is only here to help you get rit of log-in effects.🚀
I think… he’s trying to make fun of SUSE. But that one was difficult message to read…
What did you do? I must admit with the new CEO we got a couple of extraordinary morons steering the ship.