So, the German word for agave syrup is “Agavendicksaft”. Word-for-word that translates as “agave thick juice”. Romantic…
You call them your little tofu obviously
My girlfriend and I do that with a number of things. Instead of “kazerig” (cheesy) we say “edelgisterig” (nutritional-yeasty). She goes quite far with it; she always calls animal milk mother’s milk and she always calls meat killed animals.
Pretty sure if I called my wife a yeasty lady I’d be sleeping on the sofa for a while haha.
I am currently drinking hard seltzer made with agave and it slaps
Yeah I fell off the wagon but reality sucks rn
I never knew if this is a thing in Iran or just the Iranian community I grew up in but they call all alcoholic beverages that aren’t beer or hard liquor “zima”
Reminds me of this article;