Gonna get this ball rolling with low hanging fruit… For me, personally, it’s gotta be Hokkaido in the reboot trilogy. My favorite aesthetics, I like how compact the level is and the way the outfits work.
Before the reboot trilogy it’d probably be heaven and hell in Blood Money.
Personally it is a tie between Whittleton Creek, Dartmoor, and New York
I like the smaller missions, like Hawke’s Bay and The Mortar
I love Thailand. It’s fun!
I also like the drug dealer level. For the life of me I can’t remember the name. What I do remember is discovering how fucking deep that level goes down! I was just messing around in the level for no good reason. Just exploring. Then I stumbled upon a garage. And it went underground. And the level just kept going down. And down!
I found so much cocaine. I just threw bricks of cocaine at everyone. So fun 😌
Hard to pick a favorite but I remember liking the resort in the Maldives a lot. Hokkaido is def right up there too
Miami, I just love the atmosphere. It was my first Hitman level so I may be a bit biased. A part of me wanted to say Dartmoor for the murder mystery aspect but it lacked difficulty.
Miami is definitely a legendary level. So many different areas and vibes and everything is done excellently. The race manipulation objectives are also very cool and put a highlight on the time loop style of the Hitman levels. Dartmoor is also very cool, but for very different reasons.